Jazzy sneezing w/some Porphyrin on nose

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
Baltimore, MD, USA
Well tonight I came into the rat room as I usually do and was giving the girls their evening veggies and noticed that Jazzy had a very little amount of porphyrin on her nose. . her nose looked a bit wet (clear) ... then I heard her sneeze. I wanted to ask what you put your rats on at the first sign. Amox? or baytril? Please let me know. Julie
First off, you should make sure it's truly an infection. It's best not to jump too fast on meds. Wait a day or two, unless there are other symptoms like loss of appetite, lethargy, etc...
It can be something as simply as colder temperature or even loud noises that they aren't used to.
I will give it a day but I did notice she was sneezing a couple days ago here and there but nothing to write home about. I'll keep you posted. Thanks....Oh did you notice I changed my Avatar. That is Jazzy & Branwen.
i sometimes notice the 'red stuff' on both my older guys' noses. Not too frequently, maybe once a week. I don't hear sneezing too often. I an hoping it is only due to the cold temp. in my rat room. Should i be worried?

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