I've found Oxbow! :D

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2007
Vancouver B.C
Just had to share the excitement, LOL.
I searched and searched and found it at a vets about an hour away. $23 for a 3lb bag. I'm doing the four week intro that they recommend on the bag, so far they've picked it out and eaten it first, I hope its not just the initial new food excitement! Its cute watching them eat their little heart shaped kibbles, oh, I hope hope hope that they will like it!
I've never ever heard of initial new food exitement with rats, it's usually initial hate new food with mine 8) but good to find that food for your ratties :!:
Ya, it's like that with Oxbow, they love it at first and slowly stop. But that's why I limit the Harlan and give them unlimited Oxbow. :wink:
$23 for a 3lb bag is highway robbery. Do you have a freezer at home? You could buy the 40lb at $100. Put it in smaller bags and freeze it. Much more economical.
Wow! Highway robbery is right!

At $23 for 3 lbs. it would cost me $200 a month just to feed my rats.
It would have to guarantee good health because I'd probably have to give up going to the vet.
Yeah, I thought it was pretty darn expensive too! :lol:
The little rugrats had better like it, then I'll buy them the big bag. I sooo want this search to be over! The Rat Shop never got back to me when I emailed them a couple shipping questions, so I'm reluctant to place an order with them now. It could easily end up costing over $30 to get a $4, four pound bag of food shipped.
So everyone send some brainwashing vibed to the ratties, *you will like it, you will like it, you will like it...*
I see that you are in Vancouver. Were you originally looking for Harlan? If you join the PacRatsNW rat club, they often do Harlan orders and get it from the warehouse in Seattle.
I get my OXbow from http://www.drsfostersmith.com $6.99 for 3 lb. bag. I am not sure how much shipping would be for you but it wasn't to bad for me. I usually get two bags at a time, plus I always buy bird toys for my girls so I always spend a lot of $$$$ no matter what.

My girls have been on it for about a month now and they still love it. I have to give them more every morning and I will put a few LM Farm Blocks in there and they don't touch those. So, so far I have had great luck with them eating the OXbow. :)
Oh, I'm glad to hear that your girls are liking the Oxbow! That's a pretty great price, I'll have to see what shipping would come to. Thanks! :p

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