Itchy ears?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2013
Surrey UK
Hi all,

Cole keeps shaking his head whenever I stroke him there. It's a very quick shake, as if he's got an itch. He lives with his 3 brothers. If I touch his left ear, he does a violent head shake/twitch, but doesn't scratch it. If I stroke his head when he's sleepy, he doesn't do the twitch. Does he just have a super-sensitve ear or something?

No balance issues or smell. But then I suppose, if it were a deep inner ear infection, you wouldn't be able to detect it by smell; the other's are not doing this.

If it's mites, would the others have symptoms too, as they're contagious, no?
He's 13 months old. Please don't tell me it's a sign of PT. It's only when I touch his ear or brush past it. It seems to be when I go near that ear. He shakes his head, much like dog does when it shakes its ears. He eats well, drinks well, no balance issues. I haven't seen him lift his leg to scratch his ear. I'll keep a watch out though in the hope that he can easily. Are you thinking it might be wax build up?
He's 13 months old. Please don't tell me it's a sign of PT. It's only when I touch his ear or brush past it. It seems to be when I go near that ear. He shakes his head, much like dog does when it shakes its ears. He eats well, drinks well, no balance issues. I haven't seen him lift his leg to scratch his ear. I'll keep a watch out though in the hope that he can easily. Are you thinking it might be wax build up?

No i don't think its PT. he may just have an itchy ear. No smell, no signs of illness or tilt? Even try putting a Q-tip into his ear canal to see if there's liquid smelly uck down there...if he's itchy he may try to grind his ear onto the Q-tip :p
How old is Cole? Is he able to dig into his own ear with a hind foot easily?

I came across this thread whilst looking into a similar issue with my 2.5 year old rat. She can't reach her left ear with her hind legs, but is constantly trying to scratch it. I try and help by scratching it superficially using my finger but it doesn't quite cut it. Should I try using a Q-tip?

It's best to start your own thread but in this case it's okay. All those things she used to be able to do but is too frail or inflexible to do now, you will have to. Scratch her sides, her cheeks and shoulders, especially her spine and back of neck. Start gently and she will let you know if she likes it or will tolerate it. As for ears, I use my finger in their ear. Rub gently at all first but don't be surprised if she makes faces and grinds onto your finger as she's itchy lol.
It's best to start your own thread but in this case it's okay. All those things she used to be able to do but is too frail or inflexible to do now, you will have to. Scratch her sides, her cheeks and shoulders, especially her spine and back of neck. Start gently and she will let you know if she likes it or will tolerate it. As for ears, I use my finger in their ear. Rub gently at all first but don't be surprised if she makes faces and grinds onto your finger as she's itchy lol.