Itchy after lumpectomy: mites?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
hi, I have a stange problem
Six days ago my rat had 4 mammary tumors removed. It's the second operation of this kind she has had and lats time it went perfectly!
This time the operatino went well but a few days after she started sctatcing wery hard and has now pink flaky skin (just like when humans scratch too mutch). She also developed a big scab on her upper back, 2/3 cm in diameter. I have no idea where she could have gotten it, as I never saw her bleading or wunded, and, given her recent surgery, she is staing in a small hospital cage.
I don't think I'll be able to get a picture but the scab is really just that: the fur is still there, there is non visible inflamation around it, it's dry and the coloration gets darker towords the center. she is taking antibiotics (enroflaxcin) and untill yesterday she was also taking pain meds.

could it be mites? or some reaction to the antibiotics? (I would rule out bactirial infection since she is still on meds)
My guess is from what you posted, that they gave her baytril injectable without diluting it with saline. It can cause necrosis of the tissue around the injection site. It's also called baytril burn.

As for the scratching, do you see any parasites on her skin or scabs? Is she scratching the incisions or areas that she was unable to reach before the removal?
Thanks for responding so quikely!
My guess is from what you posted, that they gave her baytril injectable without diluting it with saline. It can cause necrosis of the tissue around the injection site. It's also called baytril burn.

Ok, so it will heal on it's own, that's a relif

As for the scratching, do you see any parasites on her skin or scabs? Is she scratching the incisions or areas that she was unable to reach before the removal?

No, I don't see any parasites and lups where quite small (5mm the sallest and 2cm the biggest). She does however have a smaller "mini" scab between her shoulder blades; that's what lead me to think mites.
I also adopte two new rats but thay are in quarantine at my boyfriends house. still, I do go to visit them sometimes and he also comes over.
she has always been a bit itchy but it was usually from dry skin and was solved adding some linen seeds or olive oil to her diet for 2/3 days.
so she is still quite itchy. her skin is now very pink (its espetially visible in the areas where she wased shaved) and seams irritated. it's been 10 days since the operation and 3 since she stopped taking any antibiotics. I don't think its mites as she has no scabs at this point (still, I never dealt whith them so I don't know) but instead looks unconfortable (mabye a bit sore?).
is there any thing I can try to do for her?
once more, thanks for any advice
I don't think I changed anything significant. also she was in a hospital cage for one week where I changed the bedding and nesting material daily. the only difference are the new rats, but they have been in an other house for almost two weeks. I now have the in the same house but still different rooms.
also, I haven't seen any pink spots where she has fur, just where she was shaved for her surgery.

one question: could it be stress related? she recently lost her cage mate and has been alone for almost a month because she also had to go in to surgery and I diden't want to do an intro 4 days before that. she then had to spend a full week in a small hospital cage and 10 days afther surgery she can finnaly free roam again. she is almost 2 and it's benn a rugh month to say the least.

I'll try the benadryl; what is the dose for al 340/360g rat?
thanks again

I added a few pictures this time. the bigger wunds are still from the op. it dosn't show up as good on camera but the skin is a bit pink. in the last you can see a scratch

WhatsApp Image 2021-10-09 at 09.47.52 (1).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-10-09 at 09.47.52.jpeg
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umm, could it really be just that? I mean I hope, she just is doing it so vigorosly it had not even crossed my mind.
sorry for wasting time 😅
just in case I'll keep an eye on her. She is sopposed to do an into next week so talis crossed nothing bad happens
Oh don't worry about it. As long as the skin doesn't look too inflamed or scabby or wrong just keep an eye on it. More dominant rats will also scratch high up their flanks to activate the scent glands if they smell a new strange rat too. Males are more likely to do it but some females will too)
she has a bit of scab, but more like a scrach gone wrong (the one in the last picture from before)
More dominant rats will also scratch high up their flanks to activate the scent glands if they smell a new strange rat too. Males are more likely to do it but some females will too)
that's interesting, I had no idea! She always was the dominant one and also the one who more often began figths. I hope the intros will go okay but I fear it's going to be a long process as thay are all over one and a half years old.
thanks again!

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