Isabella May Need Her Teeth Removed :/ New pics 05/30

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
This sweet sweet girl cannot get a break. Her teeth were trimmed under 2 weeks ago and look at them now



Tomorrow she gets dropped off to see Dr. Munn, for a look-see, possible trim. We'll decide afterwards. But if this little girl needs her teeth trimmed soo often all of her life it's better for her and for me if all her incisors are removed instead while she is young and hale. :thumbup:

Such a gentle soft girl. She will lie on her back, let me pull back her lips and take pics with no protest. She trusts.

Awww good luck with her. I have some problem with Boo's teeth too and I'm gonna have to get them trimmed every 2-4 weeks depending how fast they grow. It'a annoying. :shock:
If she has the front teeth removed will she adjust by using her back molars or will her diet become soft? Poor girl. :hugs:
Maple said:
If she has the front teeth removed will she adjust by using her back molars or will her diet become soft? Poor girl. :hugs:

Softer but not too soft...they use their molars to grind with, the front incisors for gnawing and grasping...which she really doesn't do well right now anyways. I will likely give her lab block dust mixed up with liquid.

She lives and is a great comfort to 2 oldies Poppy (27 mo, blind and timid with other rats now), and Moggy (timid with people, 32 months with that horrible heavey breathing I try to maintain), so everyone gets breakfast and dinner in that cage.

She is such a good girl. Calm and sweet in her carrier this morning, lay in my arms at the vet clinic as I stroked her for half a minute, tipped that lovely cheek for me... :mrgreen:
Maple said:
If she has the front teeth removed will she adjust by using her back molars or will her diet become soft? Poor girl. :hugs:

Some rats will put food to the back but Monkey and Magic, my friends girl, didn't. They had to have blended or baby type foods all of the time... which got hard when Monkey had a restricted diet due to kidney failure. They just didn't work out that they had teeth had the back! :mrgreen:
I dunno if it's changed, but I remember you said a while ago that she was still unsure of block food and ate mostly soft? Is she still like that? Is it possible that because of that her teeth went wonky? o_O' I read somewhere that lab block helps their teeth too or something... But I might be going crazy!
I think when she was loose outside she hurt her jaw...and that has created a malocclusion...she still won't touch the hard stuff.

All rats need to keep their teeth trim is to brux with properly aligned teefs :)
Got a call from Shelagh (she's on her way home with little Isabella). They're going to continue trims for now and see if it can work itself out on it's own. If she gets regular enough teeth trimmings for the next little while, perhaps her teeth can start to grow straight again (especially if it was an injury that first caused it, being all healed up and in good hands could fix the problem!)

I'm sure Shelagh will post more when she gets home, but I just thought I'd let everyone know :)
What a sweet girl! Usually the parts I want to look at on my kids are the ones they give me fits accessing.
Is a tooth removal hard financially? It does seem like the best choice for you both in the long run. No chance of her doing without food because if it, and I know when I've had any little tiny oddity in my mouth like a lost filling or a chipped tooth it bugs heck out of me and my tongue won't leave it alone. I can't imagine living with constantly changing teeth... I'm sure she'd feel much better when she got used to them being one way and they stayed that way. Of course she's not as neurotic as a human but...
Pretty girl! removal won't change that.
Oops my post didn't go thru at first cause yours was getting loaded xxchelle, so you beat it out... oh well, let it stand, hopefully her teeth will sort themselves out and it will always be a useless post!
Maybe Dr Munn could trim right to the gumline, it might make them grow in more straight.
My vet did that with Jasper and it would make the trims take longer.
He actually did trim them down to the gumline this time... :) We are going to see if we can stretch the next visit to 3 weeks and see where she is then. if there's improvement overall we will continue this way. :)

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