Okay. Oh, and no, they were out at least another 10min or so after I stopped recording and I normally end it when they've stopped interacting for the most part for a period of time. This morning I stopped recording after about 30min and waited until everyone was just kinda doing their own things. (maybe about 10min after I stopped recording)
I will apologize in advance for all the links, but I forgot when I rigged up my camera to my TV to get as much of the space in as possible, that it only records in 3min clips for some stupid reason. I have it like duct taped and fun stuff to get the angle I needed, so will possibly try and google if I can change that setting before tearing it down :lol:
The food seemed to help a lot further into the session. Will be sure to keep at least some peas and cheerios in the middle. I noticed the first time I used a bowl and it was ignored until near the end, and then became a "mine" object instead of treats, so I want to keep to things that won't ruin my floor with them sitting on it lol Will have to find some more though to keep some variety and all. I scooped up the nummies and put some in each of their treat bowls (though more peas and less spaghetti to the smeeze boys lol) which I hope is sort of helpful, letting them know they've been good in a way?
It seems Hoggle and the three don't have much issues if they're just chilling, I hope that's at least a good thing, so maybe Smeagol will follow suit soon.
Okay, here are the links:
[BBvideo 450,375:jpqe5uvc]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=215412891921097[/BBvideo:jpqe5uvc]
[BBvideo 450,375:jpqe5uvc]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=215415061920880[/BBvideo:jpqe5uvc]
[BBvideo 450,375:jpqe5uvc]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=215420598586993[/BBvideo:jpqe5uvc]
[BBvideo 450,375:jpqe5uvc]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=215421868586866[/BBvideo:jpqe5uvc]
[BBvideo 450,375:jpqe5uvc]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=215423128586740[/BBvideo:jpqe5uvc]
[BBvideo 450,375:jpqe5uvc]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=215424048586648[/BBvideo:jpqe5uvc]
[BBvideo 450,375:jpqe5uvc]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=215425918586461[/BBvideo:jpqe5uvc]
[BBvideo 450,375:jpqe5uvc]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=215427368586316[/BBvideo:jpqe5uvc]
[BBvideo 450,375:jpqe5uvc]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=215428878586165[/BBvideo:jpqe5uvc]
[BBvideo 450,375:jpqe5uvc]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=215430085252711[/BBvideo:jpqe5uvc]