Intros begun -DAY ? (updated 4/2/13)

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Senior Member
Dec 30, 2012
Chicago, IL
We started intros by putting the boys in each others cages. Wow, that is instant rat exercise!! I have never seen my big boys move around so much they were up and down and in and out of everything!!! Then we let them rest for awhile back in their own cages before moving them up to our bed for neutral ground intros. This is what we got after we let them all go!!!!
Our troublesome boy - Throttle starting trouble w/Axe

Then we mostly had this........... squishy rat piles!



:heart: :heart: [glow=red:12iudppl]Our Family[/glow:12iudppl] :heart: :heart: (there is 12 in there somewhere)

Most of the Big Boys each took a little guy or two and snuggled and even groomed them.... no fighting!!! They each seemed to migrate toward a little guy that looked like them. Finn stayed w/Popper & Peanut. Curley was laying w/Oliver and Grumpy. GMC w/Throttle Kona & Bumbles were group rats...... Snickers and Axe weren't too sure about hanging out with anyone but daddy...
GMC & Throttle

GMC (in the middle) playing referee to Axe and Snickers

Curley & Oliver (biggest & smallest)

Well that is it for today.......... I think they will be friends :joy:
I love that picture of Snickers oh my that was a good laugh! Just keep at the bed for a while then try neutral. It looks good so far. I go tomorrow to help Hannah with her intros.
The big boys were like whatever - had a lot of pooping though!!!! Curley and Grumpy layed together for awhile until Oliver took over... It was so nice to see Curley w/a friend! Finn, my skiddish guy was loving on Peanut and Popper and started to groom Peanut. Whenever Axe or Throttle wanted to show a little muscle they just looked at them like "ok buddy - really" and left it at that..... They just went into a pile rat pile and it was like they have known each other for awhile, but we'll keep at it for awhile.... :heart: :heart:
Day 2 - Well, it was basically the same as day 1, but we tossed in the ball pit and GMC went after Peanut :gaah: No rats were injured tossed in the towel and separated - then out came the ball pit. Not sure what happened, I think 3 of the little guys were grooming/playing whatever w/GMC and he became overwhelmed and next thing we knew he had Peanut in a corner and Peanut was squealing - although he never actually pinned him down or put him mouth on him. Don't think he was going to, but I didn't give him a chance.... Peanut did go up to him later on and they did seem to "make up". Other than that everyone else behaved..... :thumbup: Everyone is definitely protective of each other - 1 squealing rat and the whole group comes in for back up....... After Al put GMC back down Curley seems to go to him and start rubbing his head and grooming him - like he was trying to calm him down (Curley is his daddy) and the little guys had Peanut in their care.....

[glow=red:2unb37hm]Kona & Peanut sleeping after day 2 of intros[/glow:2unb37hm]

[glow=red:2unb37hm]Big boys in the ball pit (after the incident - regrouping)[/glow:2unb37hm]
The boys may just see that as their ball pit so they may not like the intruders. I hate the screamers My handicap babies are screamers..... all day every day.
What happened is that you added a claimable object. But that's ok, we need to see who is going to be the bully and work on that guy.
I have the ball pit out before, but no one has ever bothered to go in it. I used it to carry the big boys upstairs in, but yes I said that to Al is that I think they saw it as their's and maybe didn't like the little guys in their space cause they did not try anything when they went into the little boys space (a large tube like thing)
Ooops, just realized I posted this under the wrong thread - posted it 3/18/13

Had all the boys out for play time in their room yesterday - and once again, GMC had issues with Peanut ....... I don't know what that boy's problem is! They were on the shelf under the little boys CN cage ..... And I don't know what to do with Al either - he just won't let them be and second a squeak is made he gets hysterical and is separating everybody. :gaah: There has been no biting and no blood shed as of yet. Maybe GMC is just being the bully cause he is the smallest of the 5 big boys and now thinks its his turn to be in charge? :emb:

So, here is today's 3/20/13

Had them out again in their room - again, GMC was the aggressor although there was no blood shed he had issues with Peanut and Popper. He finally removed himself from everyone and went into the travel cage we had on the floor. Al was better too he let the little boys squeak away. GMC likes to back his butt up against the little guys too, is that normal? I really think Grumpy and Snickers are part wild rat - those two can leap so high and far from a standing position - I've never seen anything like it! :emb:
GMC is being a hormonal brat. If he is a being a bugger go back to the bed for a few more visit.
It's totally normal for GMC to do that. They are working on the pecking order. So long as there are not cuts or bloods, keep having them meet.
You can go back to the bed or wait it out on familiar ground. The more they meet the better it is so if you can do it twice a day, go for it.
Glad the intros are going well so far just wanted to say good luck hope they are all one big colony in no time ;)
Peanut decided he was going to take on Curley today :emb: Really, what was that little boy thinking... I watched the whole thing and told Al to leave them alone!! If little Peanut wanted to instigate a go around w/Curley he deserved what he gets! He decided he was going to "bear hug" Curley around the neck :laugh4: Curley just kind of shook him off then chased him around for awhile..... I put cheerios out on the floor and Curley was having one and Oliver went through the pile and scattering them - well, you don't mess with Curley and his food - so Oliver got a lesson in that too - he got chased around....... until Curley decided he needed to go back to his cheerios!! GMC was not too bad him and Peanut had their issues, but not too bad. Got their 2 new ferret climbers today (kind of like cat trees/climbers) so that kept everybody busy. Finn was even a bit on edge, but no attacks. Grumpy did pin down Curley's head, but I think Curley let him because there is quite a size difference. We've just realized that some of the little guys are screamers and just to let them have at it..... :gaah: I've just never saw rats in their "boxing" stance before these guys and my big guys "puff" up when they are out w/the little ones. They look like big fluffy cotton balls, but its getting better.
Had them out again yesterday - had a lot of screeching/screaming, but most of it was for no reason at all other than the fact that some of the babies just like to make noise and be over dramatic. Curley was acting liking a daddy rat a couple of the babies got into it and he put them in their place! Seemed like he was telling them there would be none of that behavior on his watch and then he chased them off. Let some pinning take place. Snickers - that boy is going to be trouble he will take anyone on! Curley chased quite a few little boys around and I didn't know that chucker could move that fast. :laugh4: My big boys seem to be getting more exercise and aren't just standing around anymore like they did before - they little ones make them move around. :joy: They are teaching them to play.

[glow=red:1wbj7f2b]Their favorite toy of the day .......[/glow:1wbj7f2b]

Yes, I do believe it is him.. He has gotten so big I confuse him and Bumbles all the time unless I see them together when they are out of the cages.
Not sure what day we are on now I've lost count since I haven't been on the computer in a few days to post updates. Curley has definitely taken charge which surprises me since he is so laid back and calm. He will take no misbehaving from the babies! Two of the younger ones were standing up to each other again and he just walked over to them and just continued walking as he was pushing one of them away from the other with is nose - you could tell he knew exactly what he was doing and he was accomplishing it. Whenever one of the other 11 has an issue, squeals, gets upset, etc Curley is always around and you can just tell he's trying to comfort them. He's such a sweetie :heart: :heart:

I think we are going to have to go backwards though to the tub intros - they seem to have taken to hiding from each other more than playing with each other. Some still interact, but not as much as we'd like them too. GMC still isn't playing very nice, but he isn't singling out Peanut anymore. He's an equal opportunity harasser and if some poor little baby is in something he wants they are getting TOSSED out of it literally - flying babies :emb: Kona has been recruit to back him up - he won't really go for a baby like GMC will try to wrestle them, but Kona will chase after them. Still no marks/blood so we're good....

Kona - doing his impression of a puffer fish

Bumbles - "NO, I will not come out and play with those babies today!"


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