Intro going bad!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
Ottawa, On
I need help my intro is soo not going so well between my two groups of girls, I'll try again later but I want advice on how to do this properly.

I read somewhere that I could maybe fill the tub up with a bit of water, scared both groups into hanging out together *lol*

No but really I'm at a loss, any advice is appreciated!
Well I had Rachel and Sophia up in my room for like a week when I got them to get them used to the new house, then I moved them downstair's where the big cage is and set them beside the big cage...they were there for like two day's before I was told i should try intro's right away.
So I started intro's in the tub, all went ok for a bit till they had time to check eachother out or get used to the tub then some started getting pooffie, seemed to me that Sophia wanted to be alpha and that my current alpha was just not stepping down. Sophia was walking around with her back arched and doing a bit of the side stepping (picture the way a cat fights), Rachel seem's to be not too bothered by the other's and a bit submissive so that's good she's also fast so can outrun my residents but I know that talents useless in a cage but I'm not as worried about her.

Look's like I miss-judged who the alpha was in my resident group ( don't underestimate the sweet beauty queen's, their nasty when have too) anyway's Aili's my problem, then her second is Leya then Kaina, the kid's seem ok with the new commer's. I just need to break Aili so that Sophia can have alpha if she want's and all will be fine.

But it breaks my heart every time, all my residents are a nice and quiet group, this is my first intro, the new commer's...anyways when i started seeing scratches on mine i freaked. They would get less scratched if Aili would just give in.
Ok ages are
Aili and Kaina are 1 and 6 0r 7 months
Kali, Isy and Leya are maybe 6 to 7 months

and group 2
Rachel is maybe 1 and a few month's (she look's more close to Kaina and Aili's age) so 1 and 6 or 7 month's
and Sophia is closer to 2
Aili is the problem child? She is out right attacking? Lunge and bite? She only goes after Sophia?
How do all the other rats react when Aili goes into her bullying mode?
I'd say Aili is my problem here yes, she is not attacking like lunging just attacking like on the defensive like lots of poof and side stepping for her like's to get under Sophia and then after a bit rat ball.
Sophia's not backing down either, so I maybe have two problem's.
I stopped intro's for now cause Kaina cut Soph and she has stitches now and is on ab's, but all that her not wanting to submit has turned her into a bit of a scaredy cat, so I'm taking a break, the cage's are still side by side tho.

Yes seem's like Soph is the victim of choice here, the other's seem normal when Aili's poofie and side walking, but it never seem's to be the same that poof up and side walks, that is also what confuses me as soon as I think I got the problem solved the next day it's either Leya or Kaina poofing up and side walking, but as I said Leya seem's to be Aili's second so it's more Leya then Kaina.
Ok, so I'mg guessing Soph is the problem child since all the other girls are targeting her. She's sending "off" signals. And the older girls are telling her, no way, not here you don't.
Soph got cut where? And she needed stitches?
Can you move the intros to a table top? With yummy baby food or yogurt?
My girls have been my most inventive intros. You can try outside too. I have taking my girls on a table on the deck. It does look good on the table. Keep doing that for a while. just keep everything off of it till you can trust them more.
Intros look good. You could maybe give a dish of something yummy in the middle of the table. I think an hour long is good.
My rats decide how long their intros will be. I go till they either all go to sleep or they start to fight. When they fight I put them together wait for them to calm down then end it on a good note.
I could wait for them to tell me when they've had enough but I dunno it was mostly Aili laying on the edge of the table, eyes closed...It was either from stress or she was tired but I don't want to stress my kid's too I ended it after an hour.

I'm going out tonight to get some baby food.
Intro day #2! ... =032-5.mp4
(This is the beginning of the intro, I put them on the same table, the same sheet (un-washed so all the same smell's were on it), I had the radio on and I put a bowl of strawberry greek yogurt (Aili's fav. ) on the table)

It went better this time! ... =038-4.mp4
(This is near the end of the intro!)

And a few cute pic's!



I always do an hour for intros. I like to see them when they are tired and fed up of being away from their cage.
It's looking really good. I love the group shots at the end of the table.

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