Well I had Rachel and Sophia up in my room for like a week when I got them to get them used to the new house, then I moved them downstair's where the big cage is and set them beside the big cage...they were there for like two day's before I was told i should try intro's right away.
So I started intro's in the tub, all went ok for a bit till they had time to check eachother out or get used to the tub then some started getting pooffie, seemed to me that Sophia wanted to be alpha and that my current alpha was just not stepping down. Sophia was walking around with her back arched and doing a bit of the side stepping (picture the way a cat fights), Rachel seem's to be not too bothered by the other's and a bit submissive so that's good she's also fast so can outrun my residents but I know that talents useless in a cage but I'm not as worried about her.
Look's like I miss-judged who the alpha was in my resident group ( don't underestimate the sweet beauty queen's, their nasty when have too) anyway's Aili's my problem, then her second is Leya then Kaina, the kid's seem ok with the new commer's. I just need to break Aili so that Sophia can have alpha if she want's and all will be fine.
But it breaks my heart every time, all my residents are a nice and quiet group, this is my first intro, the new commer's...anyways when i started seeing scratches on mine i freaked. They would get less scratched if Aili would just give in.