I put all six rats, my resident five and the new little PEW girl in the tub with some veggie puff treats and took a video of a part of it
It looked like it was going well but shortly after turning the camera off, Evie got into it with the new girl and then Teddy and Evie faced off and Brenna and the new girl were looking like a fight was brewing.....
I was afraid there'd be a bunch of rat balls, so I cut the session short
my questions:
if you're supposed to end an intro session on a high note, how do you do that if it looks like someone is going to get hurt?
can you see anything in this video that shows a problem brewing there anything that would lead you to believe that certain rats are going to hit it off together?
Teddy is the black hooded boy
Owen is the black berk
Evie is the larger white PEW
Brenna is the agouti berk
Smigden is the agouti hooded
and that tiny little PEW is the new girl
Owen was licking new girl and she licked him back- looks to me like they are gonna get along, Evie licked the new girl too..... but Evie can be unpredictable
Brenna was a puff ball for quite a bit of the time
No one else puffed up like that even when things deteriorated and there was sidling and face offs and what not
would appreciate any helpful input y'all might have!
I put all six rats, my resident five and the new little PEW girl in the tub with some veggie puff treats and took a video of a part of it
It looked like it was going well but shortly after turning the camera off, Evie got into it with the new girl and then Teddy and Evie faced off and Brenna and the new girl were looking like a fight was brewing.....
I was afraid there'd be a bunch of rat balls, so I cut the session short
my questions:
if you're supposed to end an intro session on a high note, how do you do that if it looks like someone is going to get hurt?
can you see anything in this video that shows a problem brewing there anything that would lead you to believe that certain rats are going to hit it off together?
Teddy is the black hooded boy
Owen is the black berk
Evie is the larger white PEW
Brenna is the agouti berk
Smigden is the agouti hooded
and that tiny little PEW is the new girl
Owen was licking new girl and she licked him back- looks to me like they are gonna get along, Evie licked the new girl too..... but Evie can be unpredictable
Brenna was a puff ball for quite a bit of the time
No one else puffed up like that even when things deteriorated and there was sidling and face offs and what not
would appreciate any helpful input y'all might have!