I'm sorry this has to be my first post here but our first pet ret, Orca has Bumblefoot. It got very bad very quickly. We're treating him with antibiotics and squeezing out the puss as directed by one of our vets but right now I'm really questioning if we're doing the right thing at all. His foot hasn't gotten better and sometime in the last 24 hours he lost a toe and it looks like he might lose another. Orca is clear eyed and still himself other than the inflamed foot. I am tired of hearing him scream as we try and clear out the infection and just don't know if I can handle putting him through this anymore. He's almost three and we've had him for 2 years. Part of me is being selfish because we already buried one rat this summer and I just don't want to bury another but I don't want him to suffer and I don't want him to be in pain. Please anything would be a comfort.