I think my rat is blind in his left eye... I'm not entirely sure but I saw that I could try shining a light in his eye to look for the pupil if it moves which it did move but it seems like there's a little bit of a white filming on his left eye... I very gently poked it (not to be mean and not to hurt him) and his eye didn't even close... He blinks both eyes but maybe its because his other eye when i slightly poked it shut right away so that eye is good and when he blinks both eyes close not just the good one??? I read that rats are very bad sighted to begin with and they rely mostly on there senses of smell and touch and blindness doesn't really effect them all to much so I'm just curious could he be blind or have a cataract or something??? He's probably around 2 years old I'm not sure because I just got him in November when someone ditched him at a pet store, but I'd say hes an elder at least... Also he cries when I pick him up or handle him or touch around his back/butt area he's done this since I got him... He also recently will just start grabbing your arm or skin and start chewing at it if that makes sense like not biting but also not playing either? The vet charges 75$ just to bring in a pet so I wanna go there only if I really need to...