I think my rat has a balance problem...?

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Senior Member
Aug 6, 2012
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
i'm not sure if this is a real thing or if my rat is just very clumsy, but i swear he falls off of everything. he falls off my shoulder sometimes, he falls off my bed post, my laptop table, you name it - he falls off of it.

and it's places where my other rat does not fall off. my other rat has never fallen off of anything!

is this normal? should I be worried?

is it bad that i sometimes laugh because it's hilarious? :giggle:
I had two pew girls that would walk right out of the cage when i opened the door. I had some who are just typically more accident prone then others. I have some who can jump a few feet, while others are lucky to get all 4 feet off the ground.

Rats can be different. Some can be explained such as being blind in one eye or having Pink/ruby eyes they have horrible eye sight to begin with.

I would only worry if when walking they are unstable.
It depends if this is a new behaviour, or he's always been like this. My rat Cassie became clumsy, and started falling off things like my shoulder. I thought she fell asleep, or something like that. It turned out that she had a Pituitary Tumour. How old is he? and is this new?
Joanne said:
It depends if this is a new behaviour, or he's always been like this. My rat Cassie became clumsy, and started falling off things like my shoulder. I thought she fell asleep, or something like that. It turned out that she had a Pituitary Tumour. How old is he? and is this new?

oh, he's been like this ever since i got him. :)

i guess he's just clumsy, then. hahaha i don't feel so bad for laughing, now :D

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