You mistakenly attributed the wrong quote to jorats.
Sometimes people are able to purchase baytril + clavamox or chlorpalm over the internet.
That might be an option. I don't think you would be able to get an anti inflamatory like pred that way tho.
I hope you are able to get some money somehow, either to pay for meds or have her humanely pts.
Another option would be to try to find a rescue that would take her (you would not get her back) and treat her or have her humanely pts.
(I pmed you a phone number to call today.)
littledevils in BC might know of someone in CA. You could also post on ratrules at and see if there is a rescue in your area that could take her.
If she is passing out, it sounds like it is more serious then an ear infection and I think she is likely dying from what you wrote in your second post.
As I previously wrote, without medical treatment, all you can do is keep her warm, hydrated, fed, as comfortable as possible and loved.
If she seems to be in pain, let us know as there are some over the counter meds that might be helpful.
Very sorry for all of you