I don't know how much time he has left

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2009
My rat Skittle is 2.5 years old. I have taken very good care of him.

But here are some of his symptoms:

1. He is starting to have what look like muscle spasms. He makes jerky movements sometimes but usually it's only when he's trying to clean himself.

2. Mobility: He doesn't walk around as much when I let him run around. Like he doesn't explore as much. And he struggles to turn around. But when he's out of his cage and he's hungry, he seems pretty lively and he will come looking for me.

I guess it's mainly due to old age. He seems to be coping but I fear that it will get gradually worse. His energy level just seems to be low sometimes.

I am going to see if there are any local vets that deal with rats. Last time I took his brother (who passed away in April) to a vet in Toronto.
Dr. Munn in Toronto is likely your best bet.

He could be starting HED (hind-end degeneration), which would decrease his mobility, but I find that older rats are lazier, and are more content to just sit with you rather than run around. But it definitely wouldn't hurt to get him a checkup with a good vet!
He might surprise you and give you another year. My Davis is 38 months, he's slowed down now, has hind end mobility issues but still trucking on. :)
Do you think he's sick or just old?

If he's just slowing down then I wouldn't take him to a vet. He's a good age for rattie.
Sounds like Skittle is just getting old. Just enjoy your old man, he could still have quite a few months with you. Too bad they don't make little wheelchairs for them. lol
If you think he might be achy then seeing a vet for some metacam might be worthwhile. Does anyone know if dog mobility food would be good for senior rats? The omega oils/glucosamine/green lipped mussel powder works wonders for dogs and cats. I just wonder if it would be a good addition for rat diet of the oldsters.
I've been giving him omega-3 and glucosamine/chondroitin, and other healthy stuff. I don't think he's actually sick. I just looked at him and his eyes are wide and he seems happy.

I'll keep a close eye on him.
Skittle is doing well to my surprise. After I removed I started removing the penis plugs daily, he's so much better!
I wonder what the dosage of glucosamine/chondroitin would be for rats. I know most of the pills are about 500grams per tablet, and vets will sometimes prescribe like 4 a day for bigger dogs.

Also, the "healthy mobility" dog food from science diet is pretty high in protein 22%. I dunno that it would be helpful in an old guy because of the protein levels.
You know now that you mention the motility diet... my sister's dog is on it and she's full of arthritis but since she's on that food, she has no pain and no longer needs her shots.
If you do a search, someone did post how much glucosamine/chondroitin they give their rats with results.
Has anyone looked into the mobility food? We sell it at work and it is a godsend for a lot of animals. The company guarantees it and for cats the change in their temperament can be really rapid, from cranky sore to much more mobile and cheerful. Although the protein is high, if you balance it out with other carb/fat foods then you could feed it as part of a rat's diet without being the full diet. Just having supplements in a therapeutic level in a form rats will eat is nice. I did bring a sample bag home from work and have been giving it as treats to my guys, not their full diet.
Yes, Medi-Cal Canine Mobility. They came out with the mobility foods last year so that they could put therapeutic doses of glucosamine, omega oils and the green lipped mussel powder in the food for animals needing supplements (and owners not wanting to mix in supplements). It is amazing stuff for dogs and cats.
I had my cat on the Medi-cal Mobility diet and unfortunately it didn't work for him so we have had to resort to giving it shots. So I guess it depends on the animal whether or not the food will work.
Skittle is still doing okay but he has aged since I last posted.

His balls area is kind of getting bigger for some reason and so is his tumor. I don't think it's an absess but I will try that warm compress thing.

I just don't want him to suffer. I don't know if he will go naturally or if I will have to put him to sleep in the near future.

It's sad.

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