I was wondering, I recently went down from three to two Rats. I think the girls are recovering from the loss of their sister fairly well, and i'm going to give them another week to see how they are. But is two really a good number of Rats to have? from what I can gather, everyone here recommends 'at least' two, but honestly, is that just to try and ensure that no one ever keeps a lone Rat? if you were to be completely honest, what would be the minimum number of Rats you'd want the owner to keep? I'd consider adopting more Ratties if you think it would ultimately make the two I have happier, despite the inital stress of introductions. I know that they're social animals and all and seeing them just in a pair makes me wonder.
I still miss Queenie so much; that's another thing, after experiencing losing one I don't know if I should get anymore because it's made me so depressed. I have to say though, if anything's cheered me up, it's been my two remaining girls
so I guess it depends which part of me wins over.
I still miss Queenie so much; that's another thing, after experiencing losing one I don't know if I should get anymore because it's made me so depressed. I have to say though, if anything's cheered me up, it's been my two remaining girls