Took Baby Bear ( 7month old rattie ) to emergency vet last night, they diagnosed an infection ,and prescribed baytril... But his breathing is still so hard , although he did well while on oxygen at the vets. I have him in a steamy bathroom right now and that seems to be helping ..along with ( and im not sure if this is ok) little noses saline spray ( its for babies with stuffy noses ). I love Baby Bear, he is the sweetest rat..( started life as a feeder for my sons snake ..yes i know..but snake didnt eat him, and i hand raised him from a pinky..with feedings every hour until he opened his eyes), he comes to his name, watches movies!!! and just is a sweetie, loves to cuddle. I will do anything for this matter the cost. If anyone has any info , advice, anything...that would help until the meds kick in..i hate to see him like this...the vet said his prognosis was good...and im hoping that is the case because i would be devastated if he passed away so young.