How did you decide to have rats as pets?

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Aug 1, 2016
How did you decide to have rats as pets? Were you young and just really liked them, or did you get them after becoming an adult? Did you know that they are intelligent? Did you know that they have shorter life spans compared to other pets? Please tell me.
When I was a teenager one of my close online friends got into rats and later began breeding them. They were always sending me rat pictures and telling me about them and I just absolutely fell in love. I knew I wanted pet rats more than almost anything. Unfortunately at the time I just simply was not able to get another pet. But fast forward several years and I was finally able to get some rats to call my own 🥰
When my mom said I was aloud to get a pet, I chose rats randomly. I didn’t plan to get them until later, but there was 2 babies with a cage being given away for free at my local pet store. On a whim, I got them. I knew nothing about rats or what they were like previously. I did a lot of research that night, and now I have four happy rats!!
How did you decide to have rats as pets? Were you young and just really liked them, or did you get them after becoming an adult? Did you know that they are intelligent? Did you know that they have shorter life spans compared to other pets? Please tell me.
I always had hamsters when I was younger, and then around about 6th grade I started taking care of mice. They’re honestly one of the sweetest, female mice are my second favorite pets. But at the mom-and-pop pet store near me had a rat who had been returned multiple times because he hated other rats and would even hiss whenever he saw/smelled them. Since I was going to be a new rat owner I figured to start with an only child would be good, and after about three times visiting him in that store I bought him and it was probably the best decision my mom let me make. That was when I was about 15, and I’ve had a rat in my life ever since.
I met a woman who had service rats. She has some kind of degenerative bone/muscle disease and gets spasms that can and do break her bones. Her rats would go on duty on her shoulder and tell her with a tickle to the cheek if she was going to spasm so she could take care of it. She also said they're like puppies and make great companions, so I was intrigued. Finally got mine several years later.
I had mice when I was in single digits, but always wanted rats. Eventually I was able to talk my family around to rats; they've fallen in love with our tiny fuzzy overlords.

We've always been a critter-friendly bunch. My husband is the same. I plunged into rats head-first, screwed up a little bit, researched a lot, and improved life for each successive bunch of rats who've come into our lives. I think it's been about 21-22 years now; I've had rats longer than I've had my husband. They are the lights of our lives, and despite how quickly those lights burn out, we wouldn't give up the chance to know such wonderful wee souls. I try to learn something from each rat.
As a kid I was surrounded by cats, some mice, a gerbil at one point and fish. Mixing up different species when you don't have control of the one does not make for good companionship. They were pets, things to have and that is obviously something to frown upon. They weren't mine either and I've since discovered that I'm very allergic to cats, so more shame on her 😅
I wanted a dog, always and had never considered anything else. Fast forward to this year, I was looking after a dog of a friend's for the first time and putting in a lot of work. She got hurt and needed time to recover, and after she did, she got ill. Dogs are definitely too much work and too much responsibility (and too pricey) for me at the moment, if anything happened. I would guess rats must be cheaper to help and of course are less likely to run off and get hurt on a walk because they won't be taken out of the house 😅 That's not the reason though.
They're emotionally attuned, they're smart and I need the companionship. I'd never thought about them until I realised a dog wasn't feasible in the slightest and I had to research another species-- remembering that I had seen posts and videos about how lovely they are and I've never been scared, apart from once in a cinema, but that one was the size of a small dog and way faster 😅 I can't have rats where I am either, so I'm looking to move somewhere suitable for them, and me. Hopefully in the next few months 👌🏻 Plenty of time for more research and obviously after the move, time to buy everything they could possibly need or want XD
How did you decide to have rats as pets? Were you young and just really liked them, or did you get them after becoming an adult? Did you know that they are intelligent? Did you know that they have shorter life spans compared to other pets? Please tell me.
I know I'm replying a bit late on this post.

I was allowed to only have small animals as pets. Starting around 12 years old I started off with a dwarf hamster, had to wear gloves to hold him because he would bite all the time. (In hindsight, I would want to kill everyone if I were trapped in a PetSmart all my life). He escaped his cage one day and we never found him. While looking for a replacement, I saw a bin of fancy rats and was immediately taken with them. I decided on two females that were sleeping together in a corner.

I owned rats up until I graduated highschool without much knowledge on their needs or how intelligent they were. During the start of the pandemic, I did my reaserch, made sure I was able to give them an ideal home and then purchased rats from a humane professional breeder. (Screw you, petsmart/petco/millers).

Despite the drawbacks with their short lifespan, health issues, cost to get started, they are still the pet for me. :)

I have never been so attached to any other animal. I love them so much it's disgusting!
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No, you're not :)
By the way, I used this sites Amazon link to do some shopping. The page lists items for "rat keeping supplies". I apologize for my taste in humor, but half of the items listed are rat traps/extermination supplies XD. I know this is just how the algorithm works and it's out of your control but it gave me a good chuckle.

"Ooh, thats a cute hammock" "Ooh tubes, I need some of those" "Definitely need some more treats"....."Ooh, a rat zapper 2000 rodent killer trap, definiely not an item for KEEPING rats." 😅
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How did you decide to have rats as pets? Were you young and just really liked them, or did you get them after becoming an adult? Did you know that they are intelligent? Did you know that they have shorter life spans compared to other pets? Please tell me.
I was looking into pets about a year ago(specifically clean ones) and it said that rats were really clean and good pets to have. I did research on them for months and decided that i wanted some rats!
I didn't decide to have them, they decided to have ME! My ex GF got 2 rats as emotional support animals and one of them, Twitch, chose me as his hooman, and I was forever changed as to how I thought about rats.

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