Hello everyone!
My name is Kaiti, I’m NOT new to owning rats, but I am new to having the internet to learn, grow and expand my knowledge. I work in air quality and have two daughters, one in 4th grade and one in 6th. My daughters have wanted rats for over a year and my husband and I finally relented. Currently we have three baby's named Remie, Emmie, and George. They are not from a breeder which is the only regret I have about them. I wasn’t going to be a pocket potato momma again, or get them from a pet shop. However when I saw Remie with bubble foot, Emmie with an infection and George being sold as snake food because of his small size with his brother Phonics, I had to take them all. After three weeks, and four vet visits, all but Phonics are now healthy and doing great. I knew they were all in really poor condition and wasn’t sure any of them was going to pull through, so chose not to take photos on any of them for the first week.
unfortunately, Phonics didn’t make it because of a multitude of complications. They came with fur mites, respiratory infections and in Phonics, Remie and Emmies cases open wounds. I did have to keep them in a smaller cage at first just to make it easier to find and medicate them for their various issues, And do daily cleans. The vet and I think George might just be a dwarf, at least I hope so with his small size. The other two are growing quickly and at a normal seeming rate to me. Emmie is my true pocket potato, wanting to sleep in my lap all day long.

Remie loves to explore and learn tricks and has already figured out spin, he got his name because he was always taking little bites of food and bringing it over to Emmie to try.
George is the happy middle man and is the most vocal, letting us know when he wants the cage opened and when he likes… or dislikes the treats we have hidden throughout their inclosure.
We have finally been able to move them into a modified xxl dog crate which measures 5’L, 4’W , by 5’ T, it’s not their permanent space but for now it’s a castle to them compared to where they started. We modified most of our living room as well to give them a huge roaming area, their doing amazing with litter training and they were all declared mite free, after only a week of treatments but I will be keeping a close eye on them just to make sure they never have them again. The wound on Emmies shoulder is all healed up and Remies bubble foot only took one round of antibiotics to clear up. They are sniffle free as well.
My name is Kaiti, I’m NOT new to owning rats, but I am new to having the internet to learn, grow and expand my knowledge. I work in air quality and have two daughters, one in 4th grade and one in 6th. My daughters have wanted rats for over a year and my husband and I finally relented. Currently we have three baby's named Remie, Emmie, and George. They are not from a breeder which is the only regret I have about them. I wasn’t going to be a pocket potato momma again, or get them from a pet shop. However when I saw Remie with bubble foot, Emmie with an infection and George being sold as snake food because of his small size with his brother Phonics, I had to take them all. After three weeks, and four vet visits, all but Phonics are now healthy and doing great. I knew they were all in really poor condition and wasn’t sure any of them was going to pull through, so chose not to take photos on any of them for the first week.

Remie loves to explore and learn tricks and has already figured out spin, he got his name because he was always taking little bites of food and bringing it over to Emmie to try.

George is the happy middle man and is the most vocal, letting us know when he wants the cage opened and when he likes… or dislikes the treats we have hidden throughout their inclosure.

We have finally been able to move them into a modified xxl dog crate which measures 5’L, 4’W , by 5’ T, it’s not their permanent space but for now it’s a castle to them compared to where they started. We modified most of our living room as well to give them a huge roaming area, their doing amazing with litter training and they were all declared mite free, after only a week of treatments but I will be keeping a close eye on them just to make sure they never have them again. The wound on Emmies shoulder is all healed up and Remies bubble foot only took one round of antibiotics to clear up. They are sniffle free as well.