HELP: SPCA gave me a pregnant rat- my rat has given birth!!!

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oh thanks!

i need a lot of reassurance with this rat thing. i feel stressed out too hahaha. she just went to bed.

well, i think she was happy because she was playing with me. i let her free roam on my table (her cage is there) and she is stealing everything soft from me to keep her babies warm. i had to chase her 10 minutes ago to retrieve my thread :p

i am hand sewing these guys a double decker hammock ;)

i hope she stops stealing materials to keep her nest warm. i am feeling a little heartache- those trees!!! :p
Haha I totally understand, it is so scary to have os many little lives in your hands. Sounds like you are doing great though. She probably wont stop stealing haha, most mommy rats I have seen just get in a nesting frenzy and don't stop haha. Post pix soon!!! :) Try not to stress too much, it sounds like everything is going as it should be and ratties are great mamas, they don't usually need any help from us in that department. :) Just give her good food and lovins, and handle the babies a lot, so that they are well socialized and adoptable as adults. Babies are so fun and adorable. I love how big their feet nad ears are compared to their bodies. :heart:
You're doing AWESOME :thumbup: And your girl sounds like she's a great mama.

Don't get your hopes up about her stopping her hoarding tendencies. Velvet came to me pregnant as well (from a pet store) and I think because she was quite young when she had the babies that the whole incident made her a little weird in the head. She was an interior decorator at heart, and long after her babies were fullgrown she would rearrange EVERYTHING in her cage. Any hammock I hung would be gnawed down in an instant and bundled up into the igloo, and if I let her free range she'd grab any and every piece of paper or fabric she could and drag it away. She managed to drag an entire hoodie a few inches across the couch.
thanks for the support :)

her hoarding behaviour is attracting a lot of fruit flies- grrr!!! i made a fruit fly trap- hopefully that helps!

i handle the babies everyday, but mum wants more attention LOL. is it ok if i clean the cage tonight? it needs cleaning! i do it weekly and it's time. i don't want to stress the babies, but i know mum is ok with it.

pictures are coming soon!

i think i am going to post it in a few minutes in the intro section :D
I think you should be able to change the cage. You don't want her getting sick 'cause she's living in a dirty cage. Just make sure to save some dirty bedding and put that back in the cage for her so she feels more secure.
is the bedding that is bothering me lol. i really think the cage needs fresh bedding- all the fresh food she is hoarding is making the cage dirty- damn bugs!!!
I would go through and remove the fresh food a couple times a day if that is possible, that can get nasty fast! A good cage cleaning sounds to be a good idea, and you can remove soiled bedding as needed in the future.

Mommies often love baby cereal mixed with ensure, and she can;t stash that! *well, not easily)

While you are away, can a friend pop in and make sure there is fresh food and water? Beyond that she should be fine for a few nights :)
thanks for the suggestions!

i cleaned the cage and changed the bedding! it feels so clean now and the trap is working lol.

i am actually still at home- i don't think i am going back lol.
so i did end up going back home the next day. my bf said that i should bring them and he did most of the moving their stuff around lol. my bf likes them a lot and he spoils spookie hahahha.

anyway, everything is good! we played with the babies and also the mum. she is getting a little aggressive with us handling the babies or putting our hands into the cage. it's not like psychotic and i know it's instinct- nothing too serious though. she tried to nip me a few times when i was cleaning the cage :p i just said "NO" and she backed off knowing that it is bad hahahha.

i think i am getting more confident with this whole rat thing. i tried to sex the babies yesterday (they would be 4 days old) and it seemed that i have 3 boys (2 with markings, 1 self) and 6 girls (2 with markings, 4 self).

it's going to be hard to decide which to keep :(

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