Hi I’ve posted before but havnt has any replies and I’m really freaking out my rat has a large and sore wound on his back. It seems that either his brother or him are irritating the scab and not allowing it to heal. I separated them last night I left one in a carry cage in the cage and let him out this morning. Is it cruel to do this and alternate between them as I can’t keep an eye on them when I’m asleep. I’ve added pictures so you can see what it looks like. I also noticed blood splatters all inside there house and up my wall!!! I don’t know what to do. No vets round my area treat rats as they are classed as exotic pets!! So I’m really stuck with what to do! What can I do to help him heal as he’s been like this for a couple of weeks now. It just seems it’s being irritated by one of them so it hasn’t had chance to heal!! The photos are on 3 seperate occasions over 3 days.