I've been spending some more time reading about liver disease, although I'm having trouble finding information about rodents or rats, there is lots about people, dogs, and cats: all which show very similar symptoms. Molly had at least 5 or 6 of these symptoms over the past few days, but only the weight loss and progressive lethargy had been noticeable before which really looked like aging. The main thing I've taken note of was how much trouble her body was having healing - things were not clotting right nor were the wounds closing up normally. When Cocoa gashed her leg it was closed up within less than a day, but Molly's gashes remained open. She was definitely compromised and weak these past few days. I'm at least glad that she is now free of pain :sad3:
This is what I found as commonly listed symptoms.
How do I know if my pet has a problem liver?
Symptoms of a problem liver can be vague especially in the early stages of liver disease. Some symptoms such as jaundice do point specifically to the liver but other symptoms could also mimic a number of other diseases. All, some, or only one of these signs may be present:
- Loss of appetite
- Chronic weight loss or wasting
- Progressive depression or lethargy
- Swollen abdomen
- Fluid retention
- Pale gray feces
- Orange urine
- Diarrhea/ soft stools
- Jaundice
- Weakness
- Confusion
- Pain associated with the abdomen
- Increased water consumption/ urination
- Convulsions or delirium in advanced disease
- Neurological signs, behavioral changes, seizures, aimless pacing or circling, head pressing.
- Rarely: Bleeding problems. Many of the proteins required for proper blood clotting are created in the liver. Remove these proteins and blood clotting decreases.