Help, porphyrin around one eye

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New Member
Aug 21, 2020
Hartlepool, Hartlepool
So I had two rats, two year old, one died 4 days ago, he hadn't been ill, was completely fine and a couple of minutes later he dropped from the top of the cage, I don't know if something happened that caused him to drop and thats what killed him or if the fall did, I highly doubt it was the fall though as he just landed on his litter at the bottom so it was a soft landing. Since then my other rat has been quite quiet while in his cage, mainly just sleeping but he's been a lot more playful while he's out of his cage than he was when my other rat was still alive, he's still eating fine and drinking but today I've noticed a lot of porphyrin round his eye, its not dried its been like a gooey consistancy all day. It wasn't there yesterday and nothing else is different about him. I've never really seen any porphyrin on him before today, the eye doesn't look sore or swollen or cloudy or anything. It looks completely fine save for the red goo around it. He's only ever had one issue that's needed attention before when he had a corneal ulcer about a year ago which we think was caused by the two of them fighting, that cleared up fine. So im just wondering whether its anything to be concerned about or If it's just normal or possibly caused by the stress of losing his friend. I've also had him out of his cage a lot more since we lost my other rat, i read somewhere that that could cause it to happen. Thank you in advance for any advice