Help me with a list of "good" breeders

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Cincinnati, OH
There's another forum that can sometimes drive me mad! Many people come to the forum new to rats, and don't branch out into other communities. Many believe it's perfectly acceptable for anyone to breed rats, and so many times, I've heard members imply that all "good" breeders started off not mentoring and breeding pet store rats.

They don't actually listen to anyone who says otherwise, so I'm thinking I'll compile a list of breeders who DID mentor and did NOT breed pet store rats! I need some help, though. :D

Here's just the start. PLEASE contribute! Thank you!

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All breeders listed are registered with the North American Rat Registry (NARR) unless otherwise stated.

Tekka Maki Rodentry
One of the best-known breeders, who mentors quite a few breeders. Is very well respected in the larger rat community. Dan is a has a background in veterinary studies and is a trained veterinary technician. Dan is the Co-founder and Vice President of NIRO, the Illinois chapter of the Rat Society of America. He also is the founder of ERA (The Eastern Rat Association) he is an RSA sanctioned judge and sits on the RSA board of directors,as well as chairman of the standards committee.

Dazzle Me Rattery
On the Board of Directors for the Northern Illinois Rat Organization; On the Board of Directors for the The Eastern Rat Association; On the Standards Comittee for the Rat Society of America." Unofficially" mentored and aided by Tekka Maki Rodentry (confirmed by TEK).

Odyssey Design Rattery
Mentoring under Tekka Maki Rodentry. Researched genetics and health of rats for years.

NEO Rattery
Mentoring under Tekka Maki Rodentry.

The FarStar Rattery
President of the Rat Fanciers of the Lakes (RFL) and member of Northern Illinois Rat Organization (NIRO). breed to the standards set by the RSA.

Does anyone know who their mentor was? I think it may be Bao Varakhii Rattery, but I didn't want to assume.

Lavender Haven Rattery (
Mentored by Spoiled Ratten Rattery ( and Landmark Rattery.

Gulf Breeze Rattery
Mentored by Phoneix Gate Rattery (

The practice is NOT limited to just the States. The following are just a few of the ratteries in the UK that follow the same "rules" of mentoring and educating before breeding.

Tenaran Stud
Mentored under Alpha Centauri Stud (, who got their start also working with breeders.

Bongo Fury Rats
Also mentored under Alpha Centauri Stud.

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Like I said, it's just a start. :) Thanks to anyone who helps!
Hi there,
I didn't officially mentor Dazzle Me, but I aided her a lot in the beginning. I consider her an unofficial mentoree and friend.
I only know the breeders in RatsPacNW and I have no idea who mentored with who. There are lots of good breeders though.
when you write
breeding pet store rats
do you mean that their breeding stock did not come from pet stores/rescues
or do you mean that they do not sell to pet stores or sell rats as feeders ?

I hope that both apply.
Both, I hope. I believe ethical breeders wouldn't do any of what you mentioned.

But some of the people at this forum (not THIS forum, I mean THAT forum!) seem to think that most (respected!) breeders start by getting rats from the pet store, throwing them together, and having babies. Some of them think that selling to a pet store (as feeders or pets, or both) is perfectly acceptable. In response to people who want to breed (for babies, or because pet stores want to buy them, or because it seems like fun, etc etc), when some of us post to please not do it and if you must breed, please mentor/research/etc, you sometimes get the reply more or less stating that all breeders got their start by breeding pet store rats, etc.

I honestly don't think they realize there's a huge world of rat lovers and fanciers beyond that forum, along with clubs and shows and whatnot.
I do not know of any rat breeders in Canada that meet your criteria.
There are certainly none in the maritime provinces (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, and Newfoundland
.... tho we are overwhelmed with rescues :( )
So sad... I wish Canada weren't as far away as it is (though, really, it's not *too far*, all things considered..), so that RLR could help with some of those poor rats. :(
SITH is great, she is also associated with Mount Lehman Rattery in Abbotsford, BC. I don't know if she is their "official" mentor, though. :)
Charlie and Isaac are both SITH/MLR ratties. :) They are 11 months old and in great health.
Oliver and Patrick are MLR ratties from her own lines both 15 months, and Oliver's health is less than exemplary, and Patrick's health is unimpressive as well.
What about Bellaratta in Florida, Phoenix Gate Rattery in Atlanta, GA and Black Wolf Rattery in CA? They've always "seemed" like good breeders to me but I could be totally wrong. And I have no clue who their mentors were. I guess I am not much help here.
As for the PacNW you could pm Angela ("scrubjay"). She might know more about the NW breeders.

I also know that Anita ("Anita1216") has been very pleased with her rats from Azure Rats in Northern Michigan. Maybe she can help you out.

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