This is my first ever rat, I've had her for about a year now and I recently left for college about a month and a half ago. My mom and sister have been helping take care of Templeton while I'm away but shortly after I left she wasn't eating as much. At first we all thought she was depressed because I was gone and mom had said she started eating more until recently. She's so skinny I can feel all her ribs and vertabrea, she sits on the top shelf of the cage and breathes. Sorta like a half pant half hiccup deal. Earlier when I was sitting in the shower with her, she normally plays around crawling and exploring but today she just sat in either my sweatshirt pocket or hood and was breathing weird. She also was making sort of a grunting or snorting noise.
I'm honestly really scared right now
I can't find anything online and I live in a really small town to where I don't think our 3(?) vets aren't qualified to do small animals. Somebody please help me!
I feel like a horrible pet owner right now... Like its all my fault.
I recorded a video but I don't have Internet at the house so ill have to attach it later. I'm using my phone.
I'm honestly really scared right now
I recorded a video but I don't have Internet at the house so ill have to attach it later. I'm using my phone.