HELP! Bleeding foot

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Can some offer some quick advice as to how to stop bleeding on a foot? Looks like a nail came off or was bitten off. Gave the boys some stew and I'm not sure if one of them tried to grab it from the other hungrily and got a toe? How to treat this as I'm not sure how much blood rats have in their little bodies... thanks!
You can use a clotting agent (not sure of the name) and its just a powder that you stick the bleeding area in and it helps stop the bleeding. I *think* flour could be used as a substitute.
Styptic powder is what Amanda is talking about, but flour or cornstarch can be used as substitutes if you have none. Feet bleed a lot and it can be scary, make sure he is warm and maybe give him some soft foods to entice him to eat when he starts feeling a little better.
Apply pressure and it should stop real fast.
This is really common in rats and they can sure bleed an awful lot but not to worry, he'll recover fast.
Thank you guys for the replies. I got out my rat health care guide book and we were trying everything - pressure, ice, flour and it just wouldn't stop. I didn't feel comfortable with a tourniquet since I'm not real sure how tight is *too tight*, so we rushed him to the ER vet (the exotic vet is out now). The vet feels it wasn't a bite - but that his toenails got snagged. One came clear off and the other was ripped. They took him in the back for 10-15 min! And then came out and told me that they tried to cauterize it, but want to keep him there for a few hours in case it starts to bleed again. We had applied pressure for 30 min by the time we got there and it had slowed down, but was still bleeding. He was such a trooper, though - even ate some banana while I was holding him! I told the vet I'd rather take Luke home as he would be less stressed there, but he seemed to think that it might start bleeding again and wanted to be able to stop it immediately (we're 15 min away or so). So we drove home and got our travel cage with some things that he loves and drove it back there. We hadn't even grabbed the cage when we flew out the door as we wanted to keep pressure on his little foot. My poor baby...I'll give an update soon. IF you guys think there's any concern with leaving him there, pls don't hesitate to tell me. I had a ferret that was left at an emergency place when she was very sick when I was in highschool and my mom insisted we drive back and get her. It had been 1-2 hours by the time we got there and they hadn't even given her IV fluids as promised. I feel she would have died there and she ended up living for another 5 years (lived to be 10 and died at home in my mom's arms!) so I have a hard time leaving my animals in the care of anyone else, including vets...ugh...I feel so worried, though this is probably not a big deal...
I had to leave a girl at the vet yesterday because she was bleeding like crazy and it took me too long to get it under control. They took really good care of her, gave her fluids, vitamin K and Iron, and cleaned the wounds. She came back home last night and was very confused as to why she had to stay in the hospital cage. I'm really happy I took her and I know they took great care of her. If your boys loses a lot of blood he will need fluids and even a non-rat vet should be able to do that, so I would leave him there at least for a few hours to make sure he is stabilized.
Thanks for the opinions. Victoria - what happened to your little girl? Was it a toenail rip? I'm so glad to hear she is doing so well and that your vet was as wonderful as they are! We've only used this vet hospital a few times, so I guess my mind starts to wander...what if...(plus I'm functioning on very little sleep as we just rescued two dogs in the past 2 months, so we're still adjusting to all that - one is an older pup - the other is a one eyed 4 y/o with an abusive past). I'm also amazed by how much we have fallen in love with our ratties. They surely are part of the family and an emergency made me realize how much I need Luke to be OK :D That was the only complaint I've ever heard from rat owners - they only negative about them is a shorter life span :( but it's all worth the love that you give and receive! Thanks you guys - you are the best!
OK - just called and he's been doing fine (no repeat bleeding) so I am going to get him now. Should I keep him in the travel cage alone for a night or just put him back with the others. I am going to scrub the cage down clean before I put him back in, but wasn't sure for infection purposes. Thoughts?
No, the same girl had a toenail rip a little while back and I was able to stop the bleeding with flour though. She and a cage mate had a scuffle (at least that's what it looked like) but the cage mate bit her many times and broke skin. One bite, although not very deep, bled a lot and at first I didn't want to apply pressure and hopes it would stop on its own (I did apply pressure for a few minutes initially and used flour on it, but every time I stopped the bleeding she would groom and it would get going again) because it hurt her when I did so and she squirmed a lot. After a while it became apparent she was still bleeding and not doing well so I applied pressure (despite her protest and the gawkers while I waited for my ride to the vet with a bloody, squirming rat), tried to get Ensure into her and kept her warm (to prevent shock), and rushed her to the vet. I'm having trouble uploading pics to everything but facebook, so this is my brief picture diary of yesterday: ... 7bba6ce498. I still don't know what the hospital bill will be (yikes!) I didn't have my wallet or keys at the vet and they were bombed so we agreed that I will pay Friday when I go back for an unrelated matter.
If there's no one picking on him I would put him back or put him in the hospital cage with a buddy. I don't think you need to do any special disinfecting in the cage but I would keep it clean and keep him on towels or fleece (and change them daily) for the next couple days.

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