head tilt - what to do when no vet is immediate available?

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That is a definite improvement if the actual infection causing the rolling/dizziness is improving. Her head tilt may never go away and we can pray that eye goes down. Is she able to close that eye? If not you will need to keep it moist with drops or ointment.
I am so glad to hear that :D she's doing so well. she really only loses balance if she tries to eat a treat or climb at angles where her head tilt causes her to be unbalanced.

I know she could close it a bit the other day, but I am a little concerned that she can't close it all the way. luckily it's not bulging a TON so I think she can probably mostly close it. but I've been a little concerned that she's not closing it all the way. no vets are in until Thursday, so if by Thursday she's not closing it I'm going to call in about something for it.
so far she's pretty much just the same. which I am taking as a good thing, since she's definitely not getting worse.

I've been super sick the last couple days and haven't been able to give her as long of a playtime as I'd like. so tomorrow I am hoping to set up the play pen and keep an eye on her balance and see if there's any major improvement.

she hasn't lost her spunk despite all of this lol. she keeps trying to make a mad dash out of her cage after treat time. takes her "thank you for taking your meds!" cheerio and makes a sprint for the top of her cage.
well, possible scratch that staying the same. I was just doing meds and letting Daisy play and noticed she was rolling a lot more. her tilt doesn't seem visibly worse. I'm half wondering if it's just from her being more active. she's so, so active that a hospital cage is pretty much misery for her. she won't even take meds now if I open the doors. I have to do it through the bars or otherwise she gets distracted and runs out of the cage.

to note, she only rolls when being held. it's something that happens when she's trying to get out of being held so she can run around.
When you hold her try keeping a hand over her head pressing down gently, it seems to stabilize them better. Good thoughts for your sweetie.
oo I'll have to try that.

it's really hard to tell if the rolling is a new symptom or not. she was rolling on Saturday when she was insisting she didn't need to be checked at the vet :p

but Daisy is also so high energy that her + a hospital cage = enough caged energy for 10 rats. I'm wondering if more rolling is really just a sign of her moving more, as she really, really wants to get back with the other girls. it's tempting to Daisy proof the girl's cage and get her back in there sooner than later.
That's what I would do too, Daisy proof the girls' cage and put her back with her buddies. Put small boxes like cereal boxes that have low ceilings for her and really low hammocks, tilties feel better when they can feel something above their heads. It tells them which way is up.
oooh neither would I!

I just got some tissues at Costco that have the perfect sized boxes for that!

Daisy just ADORES tube hammocks, so I'll have to get some more of those for her as well as some that will work as safety nets by the levels. get her back in her RUUD with the ladies, so she can go back to harassing them and telling them who is boss ^.^
bleh. so I tried to Daisy-proof the RUUD, but learned:

1) even after only a week, Hazel has all ready decided to give Daisy the "who are you?!". they were making each other squeak and wouldn't stop. no blood/bites, so I may try again. it makes me nervous what Blue might think though =/ she's the alpha. they've played fine this week in the play pens though. so bah.

2) I had the middle door open and Daisy fell out. luckily not far enough to hurt herself, but just enough that it made her nervous. I am not sure she will be able to be in the RUUD with her tilt :(

I am wishing Mason didn't live in an R-690, otherwise I'd intro those 2 to live together. debating maybe giving away the R-690 and getting an R-680 or an R-685.
just thought I'd toss in an update!

a month later and we're pretty sure it's not a PT! :D she's getting better slowly, but still! her pupil is no longer rolled down as far (vet said today that she had to pull the eyelid down a bit last time to see it. this time she didn't!), her eye bulge is getting better, and her head tilt is no longer as severe! she only rolls if she's going really fast and at an angle (ie: every so often she'll roll if trying to get out of my hands and down to the floor fast). she has so much energy, we almost had to put her under to be examined today. as my vet put it "she's almost like a greased pig" lol. Daisy is 198 grams of pure power. she will NOT be held still for anything.

my vet also found a little bit of bloody fluid/stuff in her ear. so we're thinking there might be a ruptured ear drum, but since we can see fluid she thinks it's draining. so another few weeks on baytril and then another reassessment.
I just had to bump this up because I am so excited :D

Daisy is going in for another recheck on the 21st (I wish it was this Saturday, but due to the heat we've been having I can only go in on Saturday's when I have access to a car with decent air conditioning.) and I don't think she'll be on Baytril much longer :dance:

her head tilt is even more so improved, her eye bulge has gone down, and her energy is back up to top speed. she adores the Rat Cabana that Violet976 makes and we had a bit of a tug of war when I tried to take it out for a washing :lol: she's 198 g of pure power!

I'm so relieved that she's getting better. my itty bitty Daisy is almost back to her old self. I didn't realize how much her energy had changed until she got better. she never really lost it, she just couldn't properly release it. now she's back to torpedoing around my bed/room and insisting I let her do my hair :p

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