Head tilt and bulging eye - was the treatment correct?

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user 7145

New Member
Jan 6, 2020
I need a second opinion on one of my rats.
Burrito is 1.6 years old and in beginning of May he suddenly got sick - he was falling to the side when walking, one of his eyes looks bigger than the other. I took him to the vet, and she prescribed him antibiotics and steroids. I gave him medicine as she said, once per day, orally, for 7 days. Nasodine and Dexamethasone. I do not have information about the dosage - she weighted him (~514g) and filled syringes with meds herself.
He rapidly got better. After a week I took him to follow up visit, she made an X-ray, but didn't see anything bad there.
After about 2 weeks, he slowly got worse, back to how he was while being sick - the head tilt and rolling. I called the vet again and she gave the second round of meds, - - this time It was Dexametisone - 0.05ml for 5 days, but there was no improvement. She said there's nothing more to do, and we need to watch for his quality of life.

Now Burrito eats a lot, plays, cuddles, walks fine while in the cage, but is floppy when roaming on the couch and totally floppy if I take him on my lap. He doesn't seem to be in pain, and acts as usual, but with ratties you may not know for sure.

I would like to get a second opinion. Was the treatment correct? Is there more I can do for my boy? Do I need to see the other vet?
Do I need to prepare that he might not be here for too long anymore?
You DEFINITELY need a different vet. Are you sure the antibiotic was "Nasodine"? Dexamethasone is a powerful steroid that can work quickly and last days in rats with head tilt/inner ear infection, so that part of the treatment was good but steroids need to be given along with antibiotics as they are the only thing that will kill the active infection. Nasodine is not an antibiotic plus 7 days is only enough to show an improvement but not cure an active infection. A very minimum of 2 weeks of antibiotics is necessary, but inner ear infections really should get 3-4 weeks of antibiotics.
So basically what happened here is the dex was making him feel better, the antibiotics (if there were any) started to work then everything was stopped and the infection roared back to life. :(
Getting him on the right treatment ASAP could cure.him though, even though the head tilt likely won't go away, he will.adapt to his new life of being a Tilty.
Thank you for your reply! That's what I was afraid of.
This was the best "exotic pet" vet (she also treats my rabbit, but he luckily never had anything other than ear drops and annual vaccines). I cannot get antibiotics without the vets prescription, so I need a vet who knows what to do. I have a clinic nearby that has small animal doctor, will call them and ask if they can see him this week. The problem is, I can't just say to my vet that she's wrong and I need to give him antibiotics for 2 weeks, because I read it on internet.. They are supposed to know better.
Do you know by any chance, what anitibiotics would be right? Baytril? I could ask vet directly, what she thinks about 2 weeks of <meds>.

I just hope it's not too late, it's been few weeks since last appointment and he's not better or worse.
And yes, I double checked the receipt - handwriting is really bad, but I think it is: Norodine. I found such meds online and it contains following:

Sorry for confusion
I can try to call, yes. After a week she said they can't be given longer, because it is stong antibiotic, but it won't hurt to ask one more time.
Thanks for your advice!

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