oh wow, weird ..I always thought she ahd black eyes ..I even just called the bf and told him to look at sophie and tell me what color her eyes are ..and he said black
xxchelle said:There's no such thing as a beige rat with black eyes. Beige is actually a dilute of black, and it's produced by the RED gene (red eye dilution gene), meaning they'll also have red (ruby) eyes
I think I'm going to try this with Glinda! Put on some Haddaway-What is Love and go to town!MomRat said:Our Ruby Eyed Beige rat does this a lot. We just put on some music and watch the little ratty head bang with daddy. =)
Joanne said:How I found out that my beige ratties didn't have black eyes was that they were born here. And when they are born, they have pink eyes! I had 10 babies, and only the black berk had black eyes. As they got older, their eyes got darker. Now only the PEWs have pink eyes, and the beige kids eyes look dark, but I know they're not black like Lily's.