Four of them died around 5:30am. I thought the other one should follow his brothers quickly, but the little thing just hold on to life. So i stayed awake and tried to keep him hydrated. The pet store opened at 8:30 and somehow, the baby made it to that hour. I called them to talk about letting me buy the mom and babies but they wouldn't. I asked if i could try to add this baby to the litter then, they said they wouldn't. I asked why the hell wouldn't they do that, when they don't even separate young rats by sex and keep breeding hairless, and they said "we've never had any problems with that so far". Pet stores...
Well, i got ready to go buy some baby formula then and made a turn to check on the baby... and he was gone.
Brave little fighter
Only if this guy contacted sooner... it seems the little girl was in labor for all afternoon. He only called me around 2am, and i bet he never called a vet...
Oh dear...the babies were in distress for a long time prior to their birth and loss of their mom. I am so sorry you lost them all. I still advise picking up soy human formula just in case you need to supplement a weaker pup one day.
I actually doubt this. Dr. Munn said years ago he had an owner who would buy babies from the snake shows and bring them to him to save, and they were never able to save any. Those babies were destined not to make it, through the too long difficult labour, and the delay in any type of nourishment, but even then their chances were very very guarded without mom's colostrum.
Shelagh, I've only had one litter yet, and a small one, but i had baby formula then and used it to make sure mom and babies were in the best shape they could be! I just wasn't expecting any babies at this time :S