Shadaloo cammy
(im a first time rat owner, read enough stuff online to write a dang handbook but i want keeper advice) Okay ive had a young rat for a day now and ive handled him and he sleeps in my sleeves and all but i know i need two..but im worried because hes still skittish if i got another, he would bond with the other rat and the two would want nothing to do with me....i dont know how old this rat is but hes slightly bigger then an adult mouse (obviously longer tail and fatter body i just mean like his length and hight) he is a dumbo rat(if that makes any difference)..i read how to introduce and i just want to know if i should go for male or female(getting the male fixed when he sexualy matures so i dont have rattlings) and are two harder to tame then one?
so basically my questions:
1) if i get another rat will my existing rat and the new guy become social to only each other and want nothing to do with me
2) doe or buck?
3) if i only have one will it be tamed easyer then if i have two?
so basically my questions:
1) if i get another rat will my existing rat and the new guy become social to only each other and want nothing to do with me
2) doe or buck?
3) if i only have one will it be tamed easyer then if i have two?