Grieving rat

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May 3, 2020
dallas tx
i lost my boy mushu this morning i only had the 2 & i was in such a rush to get him to the vet my only boy left (oreo) didn’t get a chance to see him or i guess say his goodbyes. i left mushu at the vet for cremation. is oreo going to be okay will be able to grieve properly? so far i’ve noticed no change in his behavior.
if anyone can also help me understand what happened. his death was so sudden he was fine last night. no change in behavior or appetite. i woke up to him making a strange noise & being limp.. by the time i got him to the vet he was already gone.
I'm so sorry to hear that! :(
It's possible it could have been a heart attack or a stroke. These things happen very quickly and he wouldn't have been in pain. Not sure about the first question though
thank you. i’m just worried about him getting money now that he’s by himself & i just don’t know if i should get him a new friend or not.
I agree with Big Schpog... Your boy could live up to a year alone, which is a long time for a ratty!
If you can, I suggest introducing two young boys to Oreo. There are lots of good videos online regarding introductions like these ones ( and ) to help. Here is a good read from this forum Introducing new rats
Try to spend lots of time with him until you can get him some new friends! :)
I agree with Big Schpog... Your boy could live up to a year alone, which is a long time for a ratty!
If you can, I suggest introducing two young boys to Oreo. There are lots of good videos online regarding introductions like these ones ( and ) to help. Here is a good read from this forum Introducing new rats
Try to spend lots of time with him until you can get him some new friends! :)

thank you so much !