Hi, i was hoping some one would be able to test drive these pre-mades, or one of the styles below. The only thing i would need to be payed is the shipping. I would love to get feed back about the hammocks and what i can improve etc, and of course pictures:
Medium Pink Cylinder
6 w X 8h Inches- $8 -Free for the testy +Shipping
Small Green Pyramid
8W X 8LH X 6H Inches - $10 -Free for the testy +Shipping
Medium Green Cube
8WX8LX8H Inches- $10 -Free for the testy +Shipping
Tube Flat (single or double) Small: Tube 8 L X 4h Inches + 8X8 Inches flat -$8 for single, $10 for double
(A Flat hammock with one or Medium: Tube 12L X 6h inches + 12X12 Inches flat-$10 for single, $12 for double
two tubes on the bottom) Large: Tube 16 L X 8h + 16X16 Inches flat-$12 for single, 14 for double
Pocket Flat Small: 8X8 Inches + 5X5 inches -$6
(A Flat hammock with a small top in the center) Medium: 10X10 Inches + 7X7 inches -$8
Large: 12X12 Inches + 9X9 inches -$10
Tunnel Flat Small: Tube 8 L X 4h Inches + 8 X 8 Inches flat -$8
(One Tube with a flat on top) Medium: Tube 12 L X 6h Inches + 12 X 12 Inches flat -$10
Large: Tube 16 L X 8h Inches + 16 X 16Inches flat -$8
Sizes Examples:
Small size Hammocks: Mouse, Small/Female Rat, Small Degus
Medium sized Hammocks: Rats, Degus, Small Chinchillas
Large Sized Hammocks: Male/Large rats, Chinchilla, Ferrets
And similar sized Critters
Please place an order through here
http://furryfriendshammocks.webs.com and mention you would like to be a testy