funky smell coming from penis?no idea where this should go

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Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2011
so sorry that this is in the wrong place. I couldn't find a better place for this thread.

During out time just now I smelled a weird, strong smell, after further investigation it seems to be coming from Riley's penis. I checked for penis plugs, but there's nothing there, besides, he's fairly young (10 or 11 months). What could this be? should I be looking for something else?
He's acting like his regular self, nothing unusual.
The really weird thing is the smell is gone.. ?? I know I smelled it.
K Rat1417 said:
He's acting like his regular self, nothing unusual.
The really weird thing is the smell is gone.. ?? I know I smelled it.

Maybe he had gas. Rats can't burp but they CAN fart! :bunnydance: :laugh4: (sorry... I have the worst humor today. :D )
That's possible I guess. But I kept smelling it... I continually smelled it for a while, and I am pretty sure it was coming from his penis.
Very strange...another thing to keep in mind is a possible UTI but like everyone else said if the smell is gone then I would just keep an eye on him.
Well I gave him and his other rattie friend some thanksgiving foods. Like peas and corn, turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, potatoes and some squash, maybe that's it. Thanks everyone. I'll keep an eye on him.

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