Emergency, gone down hill in one night.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Okay so two nights ago I had my beloved rat Sparta on my bed with me and realized how old she was, but then thought that she looked really good for her age. Now this morning she was sleeping really awkwardly and when I picked her up she was kind of limp feeling, shes so lethargic, her one eye had a lot of poryphin on it but that's the first time I've ever seen her with that... She might have a very mild URI but nothing that would cause her to go down hill this fast. Shes pretty old, probably about 2 1/2 -3... I had her sitting in my lap and she just layed there... Thats really unusual for her. Shes bruxxing a lot too... It could be owwwy bruxxing and not the good kind... I also gave her a bean and let her eat it on my bed and went downstairs to have a smoke an I can back up and she pooped SO much like I've never seen that much poop from one rat in a single go... Shes moving around now... A bit and her gums look alright, maybe a little pale. And he feet aren't blue or anything so she's got to be breathing alright. I have a bit of doxy and baytril left from my other rats URI, would this be beneficial for her? I have to go to work and I'm so afraid to come home to a dead rat, It's a blizzard outside and I don't drive and she seems too sick to lug on a bus or else I would rush her to the vets now... Please any advice would be amazing I'm not ready to lose this one yet :(
I wouldn't give meds without the advice of a vet, and a couple doses of Baytril/Doxy is going to do more harm than good. Plus it could be expired (depending on how it's compounded, most meds only last two weeks).

I'd definitely get her to a vet ASAP.
well the baytrils and doxy are only about two weeks old. the vets have told me they are good for about a month. but I do believe it may be PT so I've made an appointment for tomorrow, most likely to have her pts :(
Regardless of if they haven't expired, I wouldn't give any meds without consulting a vet.

Have you done the "cheerio test" to see if it's something neurological?
Like Chelle said, give her a cheerio, see if she can eat it, if she does a push back then it's definitely PT. She could have also had a stroke.

With PT and strokes I always go the same way. I go to the vet get a dex shot, see if the rat improves if so then the vet perscribes prednisone and I give that. It can give you an extra week, few weeks month or more of life with the rat. And they live pretty much like they did before.
It is also possible that she is dehydrated.
To check if she is dehydrated you can gently pull up the skin on the back of her neck. If it doesn't quickly snap back into position, she may be dehydrated.
As Jorats said, keep her warm, hydrated and get her to a vet asap.

If you think she is dehydrated try to get her to take fluids .... baby cereal mixed up with water, ensure, or soy infant formula will get some fluids into her.
Also giving her pedilite from the drug store or a homemade hydration fluid.

See if she will drink or lick it off your finger.
You can also give fluids by needless syringe, one drop at a time into the side of her mouth so that it does not go into her lungs.
Sorry guys, I didn't really have the energy to post here last night. I tried to upload some videos but it was too frustrating and I didn't want to deal with it. She was eating alright last night, i gave her some vector and she held it in both her hands, not very well but she used both hands. her conditions really not improved I woke up earlier and she had made it from the top shelf of the double FN to the second bottom. And when I woke up to my alarm she was back on the top level in the box, then 10 minutes later she had fallen off the shelf and was laying on the floor... Looking kind of dead. I'm on my way to the vets now with her. Thank you for all your help. I'll post later today and let everyone know how it went.
there are many painkillers that do not thin the blood, you just cannot use the NSAIDS (metacam is one) at this time. Lasix is used for all sorts of things beyond CHF, but mostly for fluid buildup in the lungs. I think your vet needs to examine your baby and determine what is needed. Its all hidden from us, and won't be from your vet as they have the training and knowledge.
Good news :) she perked right up on the bus ride and was a lot more energetic at the vets office, so much so that my vet and I didn't feel comfortable having her pts. he's not sure what exactly is going on with Sparta, he's agrees it could have been a little stroke or pt, also maybe a herniated disk in her back. I doubt its her back but he told me to give her asprin, half a pill every 48 hours and see if she makes any improvements. he is in tomorrow morning so if she deteriorates during the night I have to bring her back in. but if all goes well then I'm supposed to bring her back in in a weeks time and we'll sees where to go from there. I'm so happy to be bringing her back home with me :)
That's great news! I'm not sure what your cage situation is but maybe as a precaution you could confine her to half the FN and lower the shelf. That way if she happens to take a tumble again it won't be so rough. If that's not an option then I would suggest taking big hammocks or any type of fabric you have and hanging it so that if she happens to fall she will land in a hammock.

As for the aspirin, I could be wrong but according to the Rat Guide it's a NSAID (http://ratguide.com/meds/analgesics/aspirin.php) which I believe Shelagh said wasn't a good idea. That might not be a big deal now as I don't know your vets reasoning but I thought I would throw it out there.

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