Dumbo Rat Availabilty Chicago/Illinois?

The Rat Shack Forum

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New Member
Nov 6, 2014
Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and was wondering if anybody knew of any Dumbo's, Russian Blue's, Rex's...etc that might currently be available for adoption or purchase?

I live in a suburb of Chicago and can travel within reason. Thank you so much and I look forward to contributing.

Actually I found a breeder that just started posting on Craigslist. He's working on a website soon. He has an amazing variety of Dumbos, Hairless, Blue Hooded...etc. His rats are very healthy and well taken care of. Located in Franklin Park, Illinois it's near O'Hare Airport. Check him out if anyone is interested. I highly recommend him...

We don't really support breeders here. 99% of us rescue from the massive amount of rats that already need homes.
That guy is a feeder breeder, he cares nothing about the health or genetics of the rats. He is simply breeding rats to make money off of their suffering.
I am sorry you went to a feeder breeder. Sadly he is breeding snake food and he does not care about the health or well being of those rats. His prices show he is a backyard breeder and supporting him is a horrible idea. Rescues save rats we dont create more.
Nasty. It seems feeder breeders now attempt to breed pet rats, and just sell off the plain rats for feeders and try to get more money for the pretty ones in the litter. Any way to make more money off these poor sweet souls and their suffering :(

Yes he is NOT someone we would recommend in the least. A good ethical breeder in the U.S. would never advertise on kijiji. You will only find BYB's and feeder breeders on there, (and rescues and rescue situations created by these so called "breeders").

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I really really really hope you don't buy from that person! I just picked up a girl today that is retired feeder breeder and you know why she is retired? Because she has a ping pong ball sized tumor sticking out of her side :( and because she couldn't be used as a breeder anymore she herself got put out as a feeder......Please don't support these sick people! You might not get exactly what you want from a rescue but atleast you know you are supporting a good cause and not some idiot that most likely over breeds his rats until they are either to worn out or they die.
Hi, I think it is great to adopt rescue rats and we have done so ourselves.

*admin note: I edited your post, we do not allow for breeder advertising.
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This is a rat rescue forum.
The rules state that this forum "was also created to promote rats needing good homes, rats in rescues and shelters." On this site adopting rescue rats is encouraged, while buying rats from stores and breeders is discouraged. That makes this site extremely unique and it is the only rat rescue forum I am aware of.

The rules for this site state: "We also ask that breeders not advertise on this board."

Please stop promoting or mentioning your rattery on this rat rescue site. There are many other places on the internet where you can do that.
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If anyone is looking for rats, please check out rat rescues, shelters, rats being rehomed and people trying to find homes for accidental litters.

Please help rescue rats ....... Adopt don't shop!!!
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Haven't posted on here for a while but I wanted to thank the admin for all you do to help ratties.

Please David Swygart try to find it in your heart to no longer breed animals. There are so many who already need good homes. It's never good for the rats, to breed them. That you've taken in other rats doesn't change this. No matter how they're bred, no matter how they are homed. It means the suffering to death of others who have nowhere good to go. They aren't toys. They're living beings. For the ones who are already domestic, what we can do is give them the best life in captivity possible. Then not make any more. As you care for the rats and respect their lives, this is how you can help them! Many thanks.