I just got home a few minutes ago, and have seperated Nes and Gyro out of vet recommendation so they don't chew on the operated area. Gizmo is overjoyed to see us back though, we been gone half the day and he was alone for most of it, I sorry I had to do that to him :sad3: I was worried sick for them, Gyro and Nes, the whole time. But this new vet reassured me of their practices and said they do rat neuters/tumor removals every single month. They even remembered their names soon as i came in the door and our appointment. They took one look at me and said "Gyro and Nes
we've been looking forward to seeing you!" They love rats and exotics there. They even took the time to cuddle them both before their surgeries.
So here are the results: Everything according to the two vets that worked on them both TOGETHER, said everything went very well, no hiccups. The testies were easy to find, considering they were two very healthy big boys. At one point I was worried when they said 'big' i was afraid they were over weight. The vet laughed and said 'no no no, they are big, but not over weight big, they are some of the healtiest rats we've seen lately. The last rats that came in weighed a pound! Very big boys, sweet darlings had a great life, however they couldn't move around much. The guys are adorable, I don't forsee any major problems." So I picked them up and me and the vet went over what to look out for, make sure they don't chew on their incision, when the vet noticed a bit of blood dripping off Nes, not concerned but wanted to make sure, he took him to the back again, where Nes had a fit, and ripped his incision open a bit slightly. So Nes had to be put under again, and they glued him back up more firmly. I haven't been able to get pictures of their incision area, but I did get pictures of them still a bit groggy and settling in for recovery in their temperary homes. The vet gave them pain injections that'll last a good day, and antibiotics, and expects a full recovery within 5-10 days.
Here are my boys, though honestly I will not REST fully till the next morning, if they are fine in the morning and no open wounds, then I'll try to rest easier. But here they are, trying to rest after a very long day