Double Neuters Double Worry - Sudden Burst of Energy??

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2012
So as some of ya'll know, I lost my youngest rat Dax my nakie, to a neuter not too long ago, about a few months ago. Long story short, i spent over $180 to get Dax neutered cause he was over aggressive, my current vet was unable to do the surgery himself and his head superviser had someone else do it. She neutered Dax and cut his scrotum, damaging it beyond repair and I was forced to have them put him down. My money was repaied, however over 180$ for a neuter, with THEM, I wasn't comfortable with.

Nes and Gyro are my two bad boys up for neutering, reasons: They are constantly fighting every day during play time. Nes marks territory and fights with any of the other two whenever they get near, and Gyro gets puffy with Gizmo when Gizmo tries to rough groom. Granted I noticed Gizmo was being naughty towards Gyro when it came to sharing the rattie wheel, forcing me to put it up, but Gizmo has never broken blood or pulled fur like Gyro and Nes, point being, Gyro and Nes are bigger, and more puffy then Gizmo whos more laid back, dominant, but not aggressive. After awhile of research I've settled on another vet that specializes specifically in exotics and I'm comfortable in their practices, plus their prices are resonable and affordable and their procedures I'm comfortable with, the only downside to them i that they are an hour and a half away by car. And after telling them my story of what happened to Dax, they expressed nothing but shock and disbelief that they could screw up a neuter like that, and they have neutered plenty of rats, guienes, sugar gliders, snakes as well as dogs and cats etc and expressed they acknowledge every surgery has a risk, but they never made the mistake of cutting a male rat's 'scrotum' during a neuter procedure. So that said, I'm relieved in their abilities, but at this point its just initial worry at this point...I'm so scared of losing these two as well :(

Their appointment is schedualed for Monday morning, early good luck/heal vibes are appreciated.

I asked my vets "How many testicles does a rat have?" just to be sure LOL

I am glad you are getting them done I know it is hard to do but when you see how happy they are you will be overwhelmed with smiles. You can see the videos I post of before and after with john and fabian and see how they work.

We had 38 surgeries to date and they all get through it fine. I am happy that you found a new vet though. I drive 45 minutes to mine and I would drive further if i had to. To trust a vet is reassuring when they are having surgeries done.
Fingers crossed for your sweeties. I've had 5 neuters done in the last couple of weeks and I'm happy to say they're all fine.
Thanks all, its good to hear successful stories from ya'll.

Well I forgot I teach a class on Monday so I had to reschedual their neuter for Tuesday, it's still on no worries, just another day pushed back, still though, I'm very nervous about it :(

At the same time though, today Nes was being just awful to the other boys, he kept tackling Gyro and Gizmo down, even chasing them, making both Gizmo and Gyro puff up. So I attempted to break up the fight and dominant Nes, but he squeaked at me! When I say dominant, I mean I placed him on the floor and put my hand over his head and neck and held him there, however he squeaked to the point of shrieking at me and attempted to bite me, he also got puffy on me as well, at ME!! :sad3: Nes has always been the energetic and overly cautious one of my group, he has pink eyes and hard of seeing, he's also the one that tends to mark his territory the most between my three boys. Theres a certain area, between my bedroom door and under a counter shelf, where he goes the most, and when my boys venture to close to it, he chases after them or pins them down... Clearly I've waited too long in doing this neuter for him, but he's 6months going on 7, Gyro will be 8months soon and he's the one that caused injurty to Gizmo a few times. I'm debating whether or not to get Gizmo neutered, but other then rough grooming and only getting puffy when the other boys tackle him, he's never hurt anyone or caused a fight so I guess I'll wait and just neuter Gyro and Nes and see how that goes...But i feel horrible that Nes would squeak and get puffy at me! Is he just being a brat today? Or is it more then that.. :sad3:
Good luck to the bullies!

My blond bully Jake was neutered yesterday. Today, he looks like nothing ever happened. :) I'm also having my two baby boys done on the 20th.
I'll be chewing my finger nails for awhile.
Thanks all, you think this will straighten out all the naughty behavior? What if it doesn't?? :(
I had a boy who would follow me and jump and bite my legs or anywhere his teeth would grab me, after the neuter he was giving me kisses. Good luck!
Good luck :). I was really scared before I got my boys neutered. But the result was sooo worth it.
Sending good vibes to you & your boys that everything will go great & FREE of complications :D
Driving the extra distance is worth it to have the surgery done properly. Make sure you bring food and water for them - the drive adds 3 hours to the time they actually spend at the vet's....
Good luck!
Ya I plan to drive them out there at 7am, go through it with the vet and their procedure and plans on healing, then I'll do that horrible wait in town, probably try and see a movie while they are in surgery, though god knows i will probably not relax...Tomrrow is the big day everyone, im more nervous then ever. I don't know whether or not they will get through it ok, or they will but complications will arise, or worse case another repeat of what happened to Dax! GAH :cry4:

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