So as some of ya'll know, I lost my youngest rat Dax my nakie, to a neuter not too long ago, about a few months ago. Long story short, i spent over $180 to get Dax neutered cause he was over aggressive, my current vet was unable to do the surgery himself and his head superviser had someone else do it. She neutered Dax and cut his scrotum, damaging it beyond repair and I was forced to have them put him down. My money was repaied, however over 180$ for a neuter, with THEM, I wasn't comfortable with.
Nes and Gyro are my two bad boys up for neutering, reasons: They are constantly fighting every day during play time. Nes marks territory and fights with any of the other two whenever they get near, and Gyro gets puffy with Gizmo when Gizmo tries to rough groom. Granted I noticed Gizmo was being naughty towards Gyro when it came to sharing the rattie wheel, forcing me to put it up, but Gizmo has never broken blood or pulled fur like Gyro and Nes, point being, Gyro and Nes are bigger, and more puffy then Gizmo whos more laid back, dominant, but not aggressive. After awhile of research I've settled on another vet that specializes specifically in exotics and I'm comfortable in their practices, plus their prices are resonable and affordable and their procedures I'm comfortable with, the only downside to them i that they are an hour and a half away by car. And after telling them my story of what happened to Dax, they expressed nothing but shock and disbelief that they could screw up a neuter like that, and they have neutered plenty of rats, guienes, sugar gliders, snakes as well as dogs and cats etc and expressed they acknowledge every surgery has a risk, but they never made the mistake of cutting a male rat's 'scrotum' during a neuter procedure. So that said, I'm relieved in their abilities, but at this point its just initial worry at this point...I'm so scared of losing these two as well
Their appointment is schedualed for Monday morning, early good luck/heal vibes are appreciated.
Nes and Gyro are my two bad boys up for neutering, reasons: They are constantly fighting every day during play time. Nes marks territory and fights with any of the other two whenever they get near, and Gyro gets puffy with Gizmo when Gizmo tries to rough groom. Granted I noticed Gizmo was being naughty towards Gyro when it came to sharing the rattie wheel, forcing me to put it up, but Gizmo has never broken blood or pulled fur like Gyro and Nes, point being, Gyro and Nes are bigger, and more puffy then Gizmo whos more laid back, dominant, but not aggressive. After awhile of research I've settled on another vet that specializes specifically in exotics and I'm comfortable in their practices, plus their prices are resonable and affordable and their procedures I'm comfortable with, the only downside to them i that they are an hour and a half away by car. And after telling them my story of what happened to Dax, they expressed nothing but shock and disbelief that they could screw up a neuter like that, and they have neutered plenty of rats, guienes, sugar gliders, snakes as well as dogs and cats etc and expressed they acknowledge every surgery has a risk, but they never made the mistake of cutting a male rat's 'scrotum' during a neuter procedure. So that said, I'm relieved in their abilities, but at this point its just initial worry at this point...I'm so scared of losing these two as well
Their appointment is schedualed for Monday morning, early good luck/heal vibes are appreciated.