Typical monkey noises. I hear this when my gals are sick or myco is flaring up. Also I’ve heard something similar with early pneumonia. I replied before but it hasn’t been approved yet. I use the same meds as you. I follow deb the rat lady’s recommendations. If you google her name her site should come up or the rat fan club. It has a ton of info on meds, dosing and respiratory illness. I actually ordered her book because her advice has never failed me. My gal didn’t improve on doxy and enro so I tried amoxicillin and it worked beautifully. I got my vet to prescribe it. Best of luck to you and Roxi!
I’m so happy she’s doing better!!! I’m so happy the amoxicillin worked! Watch for diarrhea, sometimes it upsets their tummy. I’m praying for her! When my gal had her chronic respiratory infection, as soon as she finished her course of amoxicillin I put her back on baytril. She was on that the rest of her life. She did well until the end when pneumonia finally got her. I hope she gets over this. Please post more updates on how she’s doing!