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I was trying to chase Roxi around with the microphone on my phone so the video gets me in it instead of her :rolleyes:
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Nasal congestion. Sometimes it's a sign of an impending infection and it's always best to try and treat it. Sometimes it's literally just a stuffy nose and there's no infection for the antibiotics to cure so they won't help. Does she improve drastically if you steam her? Does she still act normal not sick?
I do not notice a drastic improvement when steaming her. She still sounds very honky / wheezy after a steam. She seems to be acting normal. She's eating fine, grooming herself, and seems just as active as always.
So, I was thinking of trying Benadryl to see if that clears up some of Roxi's congestion. Do you think this is a safe / good idea? Can you tell me how much she would need? I haven't bought any yet, but will go to the store for the children's liquid tomorrow.
Typical monkey noises. I hear this when my gals are sick or myco is flaring up. Also I’ve heard something similar with early pneumonia. I replied before but it hasn’t been approved yet. I use the same meds as you. I follow deb the rat lady’s recommendations. If you google her name her site should come up or the rat fan club. It has a ton of info on meds, dosing and respiratory illness. I actually ordered her book because her advice has never failed me. My gal didn’t improve on doxy and enro so I tried amoxicillin and it worked beautifully. I got my vet to prescribe it. Best of luck to you and Roxi!
We don't usually recommend Deb Duocommon's advice because some.of the recommendations are not medically advisable. We use the which has information approved by vets and is constantly being updated so the info is current. I actually have a few case histories up on the site myself.
As for benadryl I've never personally had any luck.
Typical monkey noises. I hear this when my gals are sick or myco is flaring up. Also I’ve heard something similar with early pneumonia. I replied before but it hasn’t been approved yet. I use the same meds as you. I follow deb the rat lady’s recommendations. If you google her name her site should come up or the rat fan club. It has a ton of info on meds, dosing and respiratory illness. I actually ordered her book because her advice has never failed me. My gal didn’t improve on doxy and enro so I tried amoxicillin and it worked beautifully. I got my vet to prescribe it. Best of luck to you and Roxi!

When giving Amoxicillin, did you continue using the doxi and enro?

My girls have chronic respiratory infections, they stay on the enro and doxi, so I am just wondering if you know if Amox can be given in combination with the other meds?

I see that I can buy it online as fish antibiotic, so I may go that route if Roxi doesn't clear up soon.
Hey guys,

I just found a lump on Roxi's chest. I am going to make an appointment to see the vet this week. I am guessing a mammary tumor, but I don't know. Could this cause her nasal congestion?
I just wanted to give an update on Roxi. I took her to the vet, and the vet said that she had a severe respiratory infection in the lungs. She felt the lung area of the chest and said her breathing was very crackly. She thought tumors could be in the lungs too, and an xray could be done to determine this but that Roxi could die from the procedure from stress. I asked if there were any other medications we could try like Amoxicillin to help with the respiratory infection. She said "no, she is already on the heavy antibiotics." She said I should just keep doing what I am doing and wait until it was time to put Roxi down and said I could have another 2-4 months with her. So, I took Roxi home and had the talk with my kids about animals suffering and putting our pets to steep. Roxi was getting worse, and since I had the fish amoxicillin on hand I decided to try it. After one day, Roxi's breathing noises have gone completely! I don't know if the vet did not give good care or if I got lucky but we are so thankful for the improvement. I plan to keep her on the Amoxicillin for another 2 weeks - she has been on it for about 3 days.

If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, I would love to hear them!
I’m so happy she’s doing better!!! I’m so happy the amoxicillin worked! Watch for diarrhea, sometimes it upsets their tummy. I’m praying for her! When my gal had her chronic respiratory infection, as soon as she finished her course of amoxicillin I put her back on baytril. She was on that the rest of her life. She did well until the end when pneumonia finally got her 😢. I hope she gets over this. Please post more updates on how she’s doing!
I’m so happy she’s doing better!!! I’m so happy the amoxicillin worked! Watch for diarrhea, sometimes it upsets their tummy. I’m praying for her! When my gal had her chronic respiratory infection, as soon as she finished her course of amoxicillin I put her back on baytril. She was on that the rest of her life. She did well until the end when pneumonia finally got her 😢. I hope she gets over this. Please post more updates on how she’s doing!

Thank you Kimber313 for your prayers ❤

She is still doing good. Her tumor has increased in size quite a bit but she is still getting around fine - I haven't noticed it slow her down at all. It us right between her two front legs so I would imagine it will start to bother her soon. But for now she is still living the good life with her sister Lilly.

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