Disoriented? Inner Ear infection got worse?

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Oh geez, Scythe! I'm glad it's figured out, you were wise to wait. So what is the suspension, do you know? Is it water?
Do they have any idea how their messup could have caused a problem? Or that ZoeHale got less excitement over her new Beauty because of the meds discussion? :heart:
I sure hope the meds fix your kids right up this time, that's the most important thing.. :hugs:
Update on Al:

With lots of TLC(and medicine, which he loves to bits), He's doing a lot better... No longer disoriented, no longer going in circles, no longer quite as 'backwards' and tilted, lol. He still has a tilt when he holds food in his hands and chows down. I've been working on getting a bit more weight on him that he lost when he was sick... and he certainly doesn't seem to mind... He feels a little heavier, but I haven't weighed him yet since I'd been to Dr.Munns, I plan on doing that tonight.

Fingers crossed that he doesn't pull a "Get worse at the last minute" stunt again. :wallbang:

I took Al off the meds a day and a half ago, so it was about three and a half weeks of Baytril, Doxy, and a week of Meclizine(in the first week). I ran out of Baytril, otherwise I would have gone a week more than what Dr.Mun suggested.

But Al seems to be doing great! His movements still seem... odd? At times, to me, like he's maybe got the TINIEST of a tilt that might be a bit permanent, which I'd much rather see than a return of the infection. But he's still running around, playing with his foraging toys, forcing the others to endure his torturous(to them) grooming. Still jumping and trying to climb pantlegs!

So all seems good, so far, I think. Fingers crossed..!
I noticed last night that one eye is still buldged out -- I wonder if he's just like that naturally? I can't recall his eyes being like that before this whole ordeal started, but I don't think I ever really took a good look like I do now, either... He gave me a really good scare very early this morning when he came out to visit me, then just turned right back around and went back to his house and wouldnt come back! I was surprised, usually he's all "Gotta get on Mom! Gotta get on mom NOW!"

He still stumbles about, especially on the stairs -- but everyone else stumbles on the stairs sometimes, too, so I think the stairs just suck for rats... haha.

He needs to stop doing odd things and making me paranoid its coming back. : ( That, or I need to stop watching so closely for every single tiny little thing.
Nah, keep watching for every little thing, just don't worry unless something gets worse.
I hope your Al keeps improving at best, and is just gonna be a little awkward and lopsided at worst, that's just added charm when he's safe from predators and has his meals catered..
I hope he comes running to you today sometime,their personality changes mean as much to us as physical changes don't they?
I had a rat with one eye more bulgy than the other. In fact, Jenny (username crumbilina) adopted her! she's perfectly healthy, just a little... uneven? :giggle:

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