Different rat species compatible??

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I have had my male rat Leo for about 9 months now and he is fairly large. I dont know what kind of rat he is as I got him at a pet store that didnt inform me. Leo has been a single rat since his friend Greg died of unknown causes about 4 days after i got them. I just got a new rat 2 days ago and his name is Stewart. Stewart is super small and obviously a different kind of rat than Leo. Although Leo is MUCH bigger when introducing them Stewart is super aggressive and squeaks loudly and bites leos nose to assert dominance. Leo is super submissive and just does nothing. Im scared this will never work. Im inexperienced and i just want these two rats to be happy.
There is only one kind of pet rat, there are not any different breeds.
Rats can have different hair colours, different patterns, different types of hair, different eye colour, be different sizes, and different ear placement - all in the same litter. They also have different personalities. It sounds like your new boy is trying to assert his domainance

Rats are territorial and can not just be put in together unless all are under 12 weeks old.
Rats need to be gradually introduced
Please separate the two boys into different cages asap
and see https://www.ratshackforum.com/threads/introducing-new-rats.34842/#post-491257 and joinrats.com for information on doing intros

Also, the Reference Thread contains a lot of info you may find helpful https://www.ratshackforum.com/threads/reference-thread-read-only.35894/

good luck
and welcome to the forum
I have them seperated and have only tried introducing them on my bed and in tub without any food toys etc. The new rat is extremely dominant and i need something to help end that. I dont like it. He humps my original rat and bites him on the face. Their cages have been near to eachother -abt 4 ft apart- since i got him 4 days ago. I have started puting him in Leos-original rat- cage to get him used to the smell. He gets very overly excited whem i do.
No blood. The bites look like really intense grooming. And leo just lets it happen. No idea the age. The resuer said 9 months but leo is about 9 months and hes considerably bigger. The new rat also still has very soft fur on his tail which also makes me question his age. I read the 2 links and i have been trying to do that. New rat seems fine when i put him in leos cage- without leo-but gets defensive as soon as he can see leo get closer to outisde of cage
ok, so he is not biting, that is good :)

Your new rat is behaving normally, just give him time to get used to things
and when you start again, do intros very very slowly