Diarrhea with PT?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2020
My girl who has had a PT since May, just started having diarrhea a few days ago. I do not know the cause.

Possible causes include:

Wrong diet
Prolonged use of steroids
Prolonged use of/too much antibiotics
Reaction to Cabergoline?
Not enough bene-bac?

I started her on pedialyte to combat dehydration, and the symptoms improved a little bit.
He urine went from dark gold back to light yellow/clear, but her poops are still not solid.
The poops are coming out brownish and/or pedialyte-colored with consistency somewhere between peanut butter and jelly. The former poops have a weird composition- I dont know exactly how to explain it- but its like where I can push down on them with a tissue and they do not stain or stick to the tissue. Really weird. The latter jelly-like poops are normal composition.

I have been feeding her Ensure max, as well as pea/carrot/banana/pear baby food for months, because I was trying to get her to gain weight back.

I just now figured a way to get her to eat her oxbow by soaking it in water and then mixing that with soy baby formula and blending it to a mush, which can then be syringe fed. We will see if that helps.

My question is:

Is this a later stage symptom of the PT, where the body stops digesting food properly?
Or is it likely due to one of the aforementioned issues?
What is the best way to deal with this?

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At this point it could be a combination of everything but the
diet sounds suspect. Too much liquid. Grinding up the Oxbow in a coffee grinder and adding water might help as he probably needs fibres.
How is she reacting to her PT treatment?
All things considered I would say she has been tolerating the treatment very well. Other than some initial diarrhea at the start of the cab, there has not been any really bad symptoms other then weight loss. Generally, the tumor symptoms get worse for 2 weeks and then better for 2 weeks. She alternates between being able to walk and not walk. Each time around she loses a bit more ability however.

I have not seen any porphorin for a long time however. At the onset it was so heavy it would almost seal her eyelids shut and required hourly wiping. Her forearms would be caked with dried porphorin shards. Lately there has been very little.

She is still alert and when I call her name she hears me and sticks her little head out of the hut and then stumbles out and climbs into my hands to tell me she is hungry. She will eat a bit and then get sleepy. Just last week I could give her maybe 8-12cc before she would stop. Today it is down to 3-5cc

I am thinking I might have been giving her too much medication since initially she was 100g heavier when the vet figured the dosage. I am adjusting the doses and will also restart the antibiotics for secondary infections when the diarrhea stops.

I have attached some pics of her poops, chronologically ordered by the filename stamp. The 1980 one represents the first passed oxbox/formula mash. The reddish/orange colors you see in some of them (1945) is from the cherry pedialyte and the yellow would be from the pumpkin/banana baby food. I think 1930 is from chocolate ensure, 1934 & 1939 are from pumpkin baby food.

The most recent pics,1986 & 1991, which she made a few minutes ago, look worse. 1991 is still very jelly-like. Why does it look like that?

How would I know if she is not retaining nutrients from the food? The poops look similar coming out as they do going in.

Should I try Imodium?


Edit 8/30: She is now pooping mostly undigested slurry. I can see the particles of ground up oxbow that she passed.

Should I switch back to baby food?
If she is having trouble digesting and is going to have diarrhea regardless, would that be easier for her?


  • poop_pics.zip
    1.5 MB
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