Dangerous is pet rat bites me?

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Hey guys,

I have a probably stupid question.
I was playing with my boy Linus and he got overly excited and bit me. Not hard, but since I have such dry hands, that his teeth just made a scratch, which bled a little. Now the area is red and puffy. I'm thinking that's normal, but I'm not sure.

I know that with cats, if they bite you, you have to go to the emergency. Just wondering if it's the same for rats.
It's also a little sore and itchy. Again, seems like its normal, but just want to make sure.
Make sure you wash it really good with soap and water, put triple antibiotic cream on it and take some ibuprofen. It's normal for it to swell a bit. Just keep it clean and take anti inflammatories for a couple of days.
Thank you so much for the reply. The swelling has actually gone down already. So I think I might of just freaking myself out because I know that cat bites can be dangerous. So by freaking out, I made things 100 times worse haha. I will however continue to keep it clean and put some antibiotics on it.
I do tend to get reactions when they scratch me which I'm assuming happened when he bit me as well and I just freaking out a little. Still played and cuddled with him though!