Cyst & Neuter Abcess - (new Question - Pg 2)

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4 weeks & 1 day ago Teddy got neutered along with Oscar.
A couple day after I notice Teddy had a lump by his wee wee, the vet said it looks like scar tissue and should eventually go away. He took another look at it Thursday past and said it still looks fine it also had decreased in size. Today I noticed that it is bigger again?
Also I noticed today that there is a very tiny pea sized lump just behind his hind left leg, it seems to be on the skin.

Any ideas?


Took Teddy to the vet today, turns out he had a tiny cyst by his back leg and an abcess by his penis due to his neuter 4.5 weeks ago.
Both were lanced and Teddy was given baytril once a day for 14 days.

Teddy weighs 620 grams, The baytril is 50 mg/ml, how much should he be given?
Gera had something similar, we put him on Clavamox and within a couple of days it started to decrease in size. It's now completely all gone. My vet assumes it was a neuter abscess.
I wouldn't worry about the skin tag type lump... rats get small bumps and lumps that are quite innocent. But I'd get the one by his penis treated. I'd ask for Clavamox, it worked wonders.
Going to the vet tonight for a e visit because he goes on holidays again on tomorrow :wallbang: and the only way I can get in is by emergency visit because he is fully booked.
^ it's neuter related so it should not cost anything.
But even if it dose, I gotta cause I'm not risking anything like I had to with Hunter. Last time he went on holidays everything went to the dogs.
Took Teddy into the vet tonight, turns out the pea sized skin tag thing was a cyst which he lanced, and the lump by his penis which was big one week, small for two and got huge yesterday and even bigger today was an abcess, which he lanced also.
He lanced both of them with help from me, I had to hold onto Teddy which he was lancing them, it was not fun haha and Teddy was not impressed.
He was sent home with Baytril once a day for 14 days.

Teddy weighs: 620 grams

The Baytril is: 50 mg/ml

How much should he get?
Called the the vet today, they made it for his old weight, haha, got 0.12 once a day now.
I am stuck with just enought for 14 days at 0.12 once a day.
Where it should be given twice a day should I just give 0.12 twice a day for a week, and see how it is then?
Or should I give 0.1 twice a day and get as long as I can out of it?
He has enought untill next monday at 0.12 once a day.
My vet comes back in 7 days.
Edit: also the abcess is not very big, the hole is only a needle size hole, it was lanced on Monday, last night there was no puss or fluid coming out of it.
There is still a little bump there, but not as big as it was.
Just a reminder, you can edit your previous post to add more information rather than making three posts in a row.

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