Cut Tail

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Active Member
Dec 26, 2009
Vallejo, Ca
Okay so Delilah was running about the room today and my sister rolled back on her tail, cutting it. There wasn't a whole lot of blood, but there was two cuts, one on the tip and one less than half an inch down. There seems to be a cut and the skin is gone or at least looks to be gone.

We hit the cut immediately with the cut stuff (right now I am SO blanking on the name, I was just screaming for it like two minutes ago, the stuff in the little red bottle, it's yellow), then we cleaned it with a saline solution and are now putting Bacutracin on it.

The tail hasn't changed any colors, but it doesn't look happy and she isn't happy about it.

She's really upset and isn't in shock or anything, just in pain.

I'll put up some pictures of it, when I get back to my room.
You could try giving her some over the counter child liquid pain relief. One of my rescue babies has a minor injury and a bit of swelling, shes getting the pain meds 3 times a day and is doing wonderful. My paticular medication is grape flavoured, and while she ate it the first time she wouldnt the second time. I crushed up her lab blocks, mixed them with soy milk and a splash of evaporated milk. Then heated and mixed into a paste. I let it cool down completely before mixing in a small amount of her pain meds and she gobbled it down. I made additional lab block + milk paste (medication free) for my other guys to all have a small treat - and they LOVED it!
I have no metacam sadly.

It's really sore and every time she hits it she squeaks, it's definitely not as sore as it was originally of course, and she seems to be working quite fine around it. But I separated her from the other cage and cleaned up the cage she's in as to not get anything on it. We're of course keeping a close eye on it, checking it and keeping her part of the cage as clean as possible.

Like I said we cleaned it in a saline and then put Bacutracin on it, which is just like neosporin.
That sounds good. Her squeaking though may not be in pain but more out of protest or fear. She might be jumpy now because she got it cut.
Thanks goodness the cut healed in almost a day, it's all ready looking waaay better. She's no longer upset about it and we're all breathing easy, with her.

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