Could she have something stuck in her mouth? Update - neuro

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
Bundaberg Australia
Hi, about 1 to 2 weeks ago I noticed that Chloe was making a funny sound with her mouth. It's like the sound they make when they are lapping up food. The best way I could describe it is as though she has a mouthful of sticky peanut butter and is trying to eat it. She does it a lot of the time and I'm worried that there could be something stuck in her mouth. I've tried to have a look but she's my tilty girl and it's hard to hold her still. I'm thinking of taking her to the vet to see if they can put her under lightly so they can take a good look in her mouth.

She's a fawn hooded with pink eyes and I guess she is slowly going blind and with her permanent tilt from the inner ear infection, could she be going deaf too? This is probably a stupid idea but could she be trying to 'taste' the air to get her bearings? Or could it be a behavioural problem?

She is breathing and eating ok but her little tongue is working over-time and it just doesn't seem normal....any ideas?
I can upload photos but I can't work out how to do videos but my internet is down at home anyway.

If she was choking, could the vet see if there was something in there and would it really be stuck there for a couple of weeks?

Edit: it really is just like she's laping up baby cereal in the air.
It's agile. It's definately not rolling out, it's bouncing around in her mouth like she's slurping up the most delicious imaginary treat. Sorry I can't send you a video.
A vet can definitely take a look down her throat.
My dog did that once but it was because he had something stuck in his teeth. Might be worth going to the vet getting her lightly sedated fro a look.
No, I'm not touching her or anything. And she seems normal. She's looking around, all head to one side bobbing in the air and smacking her lips together making a lot of noise. If she was sitting at the dinner table, she would be told off for sounding like a little piggy.
Did it look anything like this?


It's a lot faster than that. Thanks for the pics. It's really like she's got something in her mouth that she's tasting and eating. She makes the exact same noise and movements when she's eating her baby cereal out of the bowl.
I do know that lip smacking is a form of a seizure in a human and they can be awake. I know it isnt normal but I cant help but say awww to watching that video. I hope it is nothing.
If she's been doing it that long I'd have to wonder about a tooth problem or a mouth tumor. I hope you get good news that its an easy fix for her.. (just a little confused that you say "good boy" in the video) Boy or girl?
The video is from lilspaz, it's not of my girl Chloe. I went to the vet and they really had no idea but said it's best to book her in during the day in case it is something, like a tooth problem, then they can do what they need to do at that time rather than put her under again.I will get her in as soon as I can.
The boy was Rory, who ended up living with and loving jorats. His version of bruxxing was this tongue rolling/lip smacking...I don't see it very often and Rory was the only one kind enough to let me video it. They are always extremely happy and relaxed when they do this...Sage does it as well sometimes.
So I had Chloe put under last Wednesday and there was nothing in her mouth. The vet said that everything looked fine and normal which unfortunately means that it's probably a neurological problem and she's seizuring all the time. He would like to give her a shot of valium just to see if it stops it and if it does then that's what we have. We can then put her on Phenobarbitol orally twice daily for the rest of her life.
As I don't believe it's affecting her at the moment - she's still eating, running around and her personalily hasn't changed - I think I would rather avoid giving her drugs for the time being. I'll keep a close eye on her weight and if something changes or the licking gets worse, then I'll consider the drugs. It would be interesing just to give her the valium though to see if that is what we are really dealing with. My vet mentioned pituitary tumor but I have seen enough on this forum to think that it's not that at all. She's in control of her body (apart from the head tilt), there is no fisting and she holds her food just fine. There is a specific name for what she is doing and my vet has seen it in dogs before, I'll have to try and find out what it is.

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