Well-Known Member
My Cookie just turned two, and she got a clean bill of health at the vet's two weeks ago, so I had no concerns about her. Last night, when I went to the cage, she didn't come running up with the others. She was huddled in a nest box. Her fur was a bit puffy, she felt cool to the touch, and she was lethargic. Her respiratory rate was higher than usual. I brought her down to the playpen to observe her more. She must have been feeling breathless, because she climbed as fast as she could to get on top of the hammocks, and she was heaving for breath after she got there. I didn't know whether she had a respiratory infection (like Kris does) because I could not hear anything amiss in her breathing.
I got some baby cereal with Ensure down her, and she seemed hungry, even though she took a while to eat. Eventually I gave her the same antibiotics the boys are on (Baytril/Doxy), in case that was the problem.
Then, after putting her back in the cage, I was patting her again. Three times she gave me a strong head butt (vertical).
Now I am thinking PT.
I can't get an appt til 7pm, so any suggestions are welcome.
I got some baby cereal with Ensure down her, and she seemed hungry, even though she took a while to eat. Eventually I gave her the same antibiotics the boys are on (Baytril/Doxy), in case that was the problem.
Then, after putting her back in the cage, I was patting her again. Three times she gave me a strong head butt (vertical).
I can't get an appt til 7pm, so any suggestions are welcome.