Cheap Cage Suggestions...

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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2014
So our naked rescue girl rose is coming up on her 3 week quarantine and I was hoping to move her in with the 2 older girls Hope and Honey but now either way it goes that is not going to happen because though they are feeling and looking better after 10 days of antibiotics, I have a suspicion that this battle is not close to over yet and Rose sounds like crap as well in the lung/chest region...However the cage she is in right now is just a temp cage and I can tell this young girl is bored out of her mind when she is up and moving about...She doesn't need something huge cause it is just her but something big enough for lots of fun stuff and a wheel (assuming she will use it) and my budget for everything..wheel,toys and cage is $100...even that is pushing since I had to buy another 20lb of food and bedding plus she still needs to go to the vet and Hope and Honey need refills on their meds... I am trying..really trying to save some money for Hope's tumor removal....Tax time can't come soon enough! I was looking at martin's cages but the one I really like is over my budget:cuss:! Any suggestions?
Have you tried craigslist or eBay? I found my DCN on Craigslist for $100, there are nice used cages out there for the budget. Just have to spend a little time doing a deep clean on it before moving in.
Have been watching CL for months and nothing :) It's a addiction I have haha but I haven't tried ebay so guess I could start there.
I went back the petco website I banned myself from 2 weeks ago because I splurged haha and bought a rat manor (was 50% off) a 12 inch spinner (50% of again) and an plastic igloo and this all came out to 77.16 :) I know the rat manor is nothing compared to the CN all the other ratties have but it is only temporary until she gets better :) She already has a home in PA..she just has to get all fixed up first!
I have the rat manor - hate it!! I have to zip tie a lot of it especially if I want to hang stuff on the bottom since hooks don't fit through the bottom shelf. Its alright for a temp cage - Stewart is in it right now.

You should look at - cheaper than petco for litter, food, etc.
That is where I just ordered my 20lbs of oxbow and bedding from the other day :) I probably should have looked at their cages....oh well like I said it is just to give her more space until she is ready for her new momma to come get her.I'll get my zip ties ready!
I don't find the rat manor that bad really.

I had no issue setting it up like this (3 hammocks, cardboard hide box, lava ledge, space pod and toys/food):

And didn't need any zip ties.
Plus it easily fits in most showers and isn't heavy or hard to move.

I have my doubts on whether you can actually fit a wheel in it though. XD
I am gonna try my best to get the wheel to fit haha with it just being her, I want her to have as much to do as possible. She reminds me of a little puppy haha she has so much energy and personality :) if you get down on her level she will kiss your face,hands,arms and the way she plays is hilarious!
Rose's cage came today and it did fit the wheel! :) Not that she is interested the poor thing is near traumatized by all the space...She won't leave the top shelf...She definitely has some warming up to do cause her new momma has a bigger cage then this one! She is currently laying on the top shelf giving me this sad look while possibly dozing off..Poor girl, I just wanna go over and snuggle her up but I know if I do that then she won't get used to all that space.I'll take pictures when my husband comes home with the phone he ran off to work!
oh and I forgot to put the igloo in...another battle for another day cause my fingers hurt after putting the cage together but luckily I had my daughter to help and she smashed her fingers a few times as well so made me not want to throw it out the window as much :)
Looks way too small :(
A cage for 1 or 2 needs to be at least 4 cubic feet in size with a base of at least 30 in by 18 in and height with levels.

In the US a martins R695, powder coated is a good cage with the wire covered

Otherwise, a 39 or 40 in long rabbit cage with 2 homemade shelves is a good cage for adult rats
as it is very spacious and will easily hold houses litter boxes, chew toys hammocks and a 12 in diameter solid wheel
If I had the 140 plus shipping on hand to buy it, I would have but since I am desperately trying to save up for one of our other girls tumor removal I had to budget myself to $100 for every for her and I also couldn't see spending that much money for something she is only going to use for 2 weeks and then she is going to her new home.I still had enough in the budget to take her to the vet tuesday for a good look over before she goes to her new home. Here is what she was in before compared to what she is in now..


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