Cats and Rats (again)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2009
United States
So there's a particular cat in need of a home, and i'm considering adopting her. The problem is that i'm worried that
my rats will become terrified and forever nervous or scared. (As I mentioned in a previous post, anytime i'm around someone's
cat my rats freak out over the smell.) In any case, right now i'm in the process of trying to find a backup home for the cat in case it doesn't work out with me. So, assuming that i'm able to find a backup, what are some things i can do to try to get my rats used to the cat and her scent?
i was thinking that i could try to introduce to them a piece of fabric with the cat's scent, but i don't know if this would accomplish anything, since they would likely just avoid the fabric out of fear--and i certainly wouldn't want to force it on them. Any tips on what might help?
Given that your rats already become terrified when they smell cats on you,
I think they will be terrified if you bring in a cat.

Some rats are said to be ok with the smell of cats, others seem to be ok but when the cats are gone, their behaviour changes dramatically as they are no longer living in constant fear.
Then there are rats like yours who are obviously terrified of cats.

Personally, I think you need to choose between having rats or a cat since your rats are terrified of the smell of cats.
Stress causes rats to become ill and given your rats reactions to the scent of cats, that is a lot of stress to put them under and make them live with.
Rats unfortunately have a short lifespan.
After they are gone, maybe you could get a cat.

I had been considering getting a cat as my last cat passed away before i started getting rats.
Your posts made me reconsider. I decided not to get a cat while I have rats.
I have 12 rats in my room and they've never been introduced to a cat before up until about 3 weeks ago when my boyfriend's brother had to find a place for his cat to stay so I said that I would cat sit him for awhile. The cat was just a kitten (like 5 months old or so) so I didn't think he'd hurt the rats or anything but the only thing I've noticed with the rats was that 2 of my females would try to attack the cat through the bars of the cage BUT when I let the rats out for free range the cat would walk up to them just out of curiosity and then the rats would sniff the cat's nose and then they'd both turn and run away! It was so cute. :p

Maybe you could give it a go for a week and see how things go?
I think they will be fine...I think it 100% depends on you and how you act. Don't let the cat sit and "stare" at the rats....teach the cat the rats cage is off limits......feed the rats treats for any and all positive experiences like not running and hiding etc....expect it to be okay and it will.
I really think it depends on the cat and the rats. I would agree that having a short term trial may help you come to a decision one way or the other. My girls were terrified of my cat so I kept my cat out of the basement and they were alright. They were great with my dog although scared at first. I think it helped they were introduced to my dog so young whereas my cat was a fairly new addition. I wish you luck. It could go very well. I do believe your behavior will make a big difference.
Cats are predators and rats are prey animals, for the most part.

There are adorable videos on youtube "Rat loves Cat" and such. BUT

Would your rats invite a cat into your home? Probably not.

Would you bring a predator reptile into your home? Cats are fuzzy, but they eat rats, and the rats know it.
Most rats would agree on that last post, some are special and were raised or brought up around cats and vice versa to cats being brought up around rats and they coexist. But ya I agree with Dahlas too if you really want to have a cat or take in a cat for a short time. I heard that kind of tactic tends to work alot, positive re-enforcement to something they are scared of, and change that to something they would like cause it means treats! Works with cats, dogs, i hear thats how they train wild animals for vet routines.
To be honest, I have never seen a cat bring back a dead rat. But plenty of dead mice. Rats really are far too big and cunning to be the cat's prey.
In fact, I've always had several cats and as it turns out, my cats are more afraid of my rats than the rats afraid of the cats.
I think what Jo said is completely true. I just remembered one of my boy rats actually chased my cat around. She was scared of him. He was more stable and confident then my girls. My other two boys had no problem with her at all.
Thanks all. I'm sort of mixed about it all. I'm not sure how to explain the conflicting reports. Could it perhaps have something to do with size of rat colony (safety in numbers), number of cats, size of house, etc? Right now I have 5 rats, but I have a pretty small apartment. Anyway, given their response to cat smell, I think I'll at least hold off until I have a much bigger place
Well like everyone else said, it really depends on the rats AND the cat. Some cats, like my other outside cat, will go after the rats if hunting is what they know. :/
You won't really know unless you bring that cat into your house and witness how it acts around the rats. If you, or anyone else reading this, does eventually get a cat, make sure you know cat behaviors. Like the way a cat looks before it's about to attack so you can be better prepared to step in and intervene in case something does happen.
I disagree that it depends on the rat or the cat...It depends on you. I have brought in MANY fosters (rats, dogs, cats) in my home. I live in a very small house, run a doggy daycare and have two cats..My rats are kept right in my living room ( were we all live)....Neither my dogs or my cats are allowed to bother with the rats or their cage...They are not allowed to stare, bark, sniff etc....The cage is to be totally left alone. I have never had any rats that do not become used to being here...with all the other animals. The very quickly learn no one will hurt them. I will keep them safe.....To me it is the same as bringing dogs in and teaching them they can not chase the cats, or bringing kids in and making sure they do not pick at the pets...It is all up to you. You need to be in charge of your home and all that lives in it....You need to be the leader...a calm, patient, kind leader

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