Caring fora blind rat.

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Rich Cameron

Hello everyone. I have 2 older male Fancy dumbos. They are just over 1.5 years old and have been very healthy. Only 1 myco flare up ever and nothing else. Untill last week. The smaller of my pair was showing signs of illness. Not eating very much, not grooming, puffed fur. After accessing him , I came to the conclusion he had lost his vision.

I have , made the cage layout safer for him. By removed the hammocks, and making walls for the upper levels, so he can't fall. I keep the layout the same and clean it daily. The part I am struggling with is weather to remove his cage mate or keep them together. The cagemate is not very empathic and had hurt him by accident. Bumping at the wrong time. Like while climbing cage walls. Which caused a sore foot. Then the mate also will take all the food. Even stuff he is currently eating right out of his paws. But the blind rat does look for his mate and seems to be more comfortable when there together.
Any advice is welcome. Thank you.


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Sadly from what you are saying I don't think your boy is blind but suffering from pituitary tumour. Blindness is usually pretty obvious with trauma or discoloration to the eye, but acting blind and confused is one of the first noticeable symptoms of PT.

Try offering your boy a small light treat and see if he's able to grasp evenly with both paws ---see the article I created about failing the Cheerio Test
Thank you for taking time to reply. I have tried the cherrio test and passes no problem.
I should have mentioned, after giving him more care he was back eating and moving about rather well. But unfortunately he is blind forsure. My dilemma , is weather or not to keep his buddy with him. Or re cage him.
Definitely keep him with his buddy, it gives him normalcy and comfort. String catch hammocks under all the Ramos and shelves he could fall from. He should adapt if he's truly blind. I've had rescues come to me fully blind (no eyes or trauma that caused the loss of both eyes) and even have a little no-eyes here now. She's brave and agile and gets anywhere she wants to go :)
What lilspaz68 said …. plus you can hang hammocks so that they are easy to get in and out of, and also hang at least one very low.
It might help if you have a couple of food dishes since his friend takes all the food

Many rats although not blind have very poor eyesight so all rats rely on their other senses quite a bit.
Great that you are keeping things the same in his environment.

btw check out our Reference Thread as it has some good information.
You might want to have a look at vision on the Behaviour page
Thank you very much for the advice. I will keep them together and add another food dish. He seems to be adapting quite well, now. We have a vet appointment, tomorrow just to confirm and have a check up.