Cage Disinfection/Contamination for a new bunch of kids

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Nova Scotia, Canada
My girls recently died, Minnie at Thanksgiving and Cassie lasted only 6 weeks afterwards. I wanted to get a companion for Cassie, but they were both sick with mycoplasmosis (we think) for many months, and I didn't want to risk getting another animal sick. After doing some reading on the net, it seems as though it wouldn't have mattered because 'almost every rat has been exposed to this'. I took apart their cage and washed it in soapy water, and threw away everything that was wooden as it couldn't be disinfected. Do I really need to worry about passing on this disease? Or is it something that depends on the individual animal, and being around an actively sick animal irrelevant?
You are right, all rats are assumed to have myco. unless they are specific myco-free lab rats in a lab environment.
There are different strains of it. Some people think that the more strains a rat has, the less healthy it will be ... makes sense.

Washing your cage is probably good enough.
If you are around rats, visit a pet store etc., you can bring myco and other very serious/terminal airborn rat diseases home to your rats on your clothing, in your nose, etc.
Many people take precautions but there is only so much you can do. Fortunately the really bad diseases such as SDA are rare here in the maritimes.
My vet recommends using a bleach solution for cleaning out the cage. But I don't do that every week, I use a mild detergent and vinegar.
But the fact that it's been a few months, I would think your safe now.
Ummm, actually Cassie died New Year's day, so it hasn't been that long.........I boo boo'd, Minnie died Rememberance Day weekend. We were camping at a cottage, and I buried her there so everytime I went I would think of her.
I don't know how well the cage would hold up to bleach as it is very corrosive to metal. It seems to be coated, but still.........

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